Sunday, May 15, 2011

Katie I Am

I received one of those oldie emails, a few weeks ago, that had 50 questions for me to fill out and send to 10 people so that I could get money in my mailbox or money will grow on my trees or something like that..... I just took TEN random ones and posted them here, it seemed to make more sense that way!

1.What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs and Ham... Sam I am! Actually it is Katie I am, but you get it!

2.If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
Dick Van Dyke. Or maybe I dream of Jeannie, if I could be Jeannie of course. In which case I would blink me a mansion with a pool and a maid and a butler and a cook and a laundry doer and a foot massager person. But it would definitely be something old old old school like that!! Those were the days!

3.What's the worst habit you're proudest of breaking?
Most of my bad habits are still proudly in tact thank you very much! lol

4. Who is your favorite TV attorney?
Will Truman!! 

5.What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
Um, I do not get deals like Janet does. I would just embarrass myself with this answer. But let it be known, my mom is the deal QUEEN. Come to think of it, I can do a whole blog just about her DEALS. (note to self: interview mom for future blog)

6. Where were you on September 11, 2001?
I was in first period at PFHS. I was a senior and worked in the front office as an office assistant first period. The guidance councilor came running over asking if we just saw what happen? We ran into the guidance office to watch the TV. Shamefully, my first thought was "what kind of idiot pilot did not see that big ass building sitting in front of them?" I guess I just never dreamed our country would be under a terrorist attack. But as we watched, the 2nd plane flew into the other tower and I just lost it. It all became so clear and I felt so scared and helpless.

7. What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
The buffet.

8. What's your least favorite word?
I hate when a 'B' is put on haha's. Like 'Bahaha'. It is weird and when I imagine it being said out loud, it seems dim or defective.... like it is not meant to be said that way, but comes out that way. Wait, is bahaha even a word??? haha

9.If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
Alabama... that way I would be first in line everywhere I go. Alaska would be behind me talking to Arizona about how they wish their name was Alabama so that they could be first! ...Haters! 

10.Where do you go for advice?
My magic 8 ball. I actually do not have a magic 8 ball, how dare me lie to you all. But the magic 8 ball is the epitome of advice being given the right way. Yes. No. Ask again later. Maybe. My sources say No. Signs point to Yes. That is really all the advice ya need! 

OOOO I just thought of something... Magic 8 Ball... there HAS to be an app for that..... HAS TO BE!

1 comment:

  1. hey! I worked in the front office at PFHS also!! Love ya!!Aunt Cindy
