Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pretty sure I am FIRED!

It has been awhile since I posted. Life gets busy. But today, I had one of those days where the story of the day HAD to be told (now that I am over it)!! Last weekend, TJ took Elleah and I out on his fishing boat to "test" how it was running! It was Elleah's first boat ride and I was nervous! But she LOVED it! So this morning, TJ gets up and decides, we can go again on the boat AND try to fish! It was kinda funny, because he redneck-rigged an umbrella holder onto the boat and then took my PINK beach umbrella with us to give Elleah some shade! Anywho... we get to the boat ramp this morning and it was PACKED! So being the amazing, super wife and mommy that I am, I tell TJ that "I got this." I was gonna back the truck down the launch, he could drive the boat off, and I would park the truck and bring Elleah down to the boat (he normally does it ALL by himself while I lolly gag). Well..... sometimes you make these amazing plans, and they do not go as...well... as planned! 

Who has ever seen TJ's truck? Show of hands please!!!!! Well, for those of you with your hands down, his truck is LOUD. It is a guy thing. Guys seem to think they need loud trucks! Well as I began to back the truck down the ramp, I could not hear TJ when he was yelling "Katie, STOP, turn the wheel, turn it the other way, like this, Katie stop, pull back forward, I better do it." So I kept going.... and thankfully stopped right before the trailer fell off the side of the ramp. I was about to just pull it back up when these guys (who were able to HEAR TJ because they were not IN the loud truck) came over and just pushed the boat off the trailer!! I yelled out the window...."thank you...I'm a rookie." lmbo!! I do not know why I said that. I am such a nerd. But he turned and said "hey, everybody has to learn and get the hang of it." Ahh that made me feel better!! So, I happily put the truck in DRIVE and start rolling back up the ramp, off to be an awesome truck and trailer parker!!! 

I was NOT an awesome truck and trailer parker. Like I said before, the boat ramp was BUSY! So I had to roll quite a while till I found some parking. It was grassy parking along-side the road. EVERY TRUCK WAS BACKED IN. Yeah, I did not think I wanted to do that. But I passed this open spot by ten feet and thought I could handle backing up the 10 STRAIGHT feet in order to pull FORWARD into the spot. WRONG AGAIN!! TJ's truck is big, and you cannot see the trailer. So I thought I was doing awesome... until I saw it.... the trailer that is!! I had jack-knifed the trailer and it was on its side, NEXT to the truck!!! I was almost SICK! I put it in forward (kinda like I had MEANT to do that) and pulled up until the trailer got situated right. Then I drove on until I found another spot and I pulled forward into that spot! I got out and inspected the truck and the trailer. I saw no damage, but I was sure I was missing something! I grabbed Elleah and forgot all the other stuff I was gonna take and cried all the way to the boat.

Once I got to the boat, TJ was like "What's wrong? Are you ok?" So I bravely told him what happened. He consoled me by telling me it is hard because you cannot see the trailer, its hard to do, blah blah. That was sweet of him.... but I could see the trailer!!! It was NEXT to me on its side!! OMG it was awful. I shook it off and had a good time. But since I forgot all the other stuff, TJ did not have a very great time.

I forgot his bait and new hooks and whatever else was in that bag.... we had to fish with what we had. I ended up "casting" my line into a tree on the bank of the river, stabbing myself with the hook, and the bait (a live worm) touched - my - finger!!!!!!!! I almost threw up!! I must say though... if I did not freak out about the worm touching my finger, I probably would not have stabbed myself with the hook! :-( We ended up both breaking our lines and that was that!! 

Elleah?? Aw thanks for asking!! Elleah was fine! She had a water gun and did an A+ job keeping us cooled down! She was fine under her pink umbrella! She LOVES the boat and does not mind her life jacket and she loves any excuse to wear her "shades"! She also likes yelling FISH.... and then running away when daddy tries to show it to her!! haha. 

And for the record.... TJ got to his truck and found damage on his bumper and on the trailer!! Of course he did!!! ugh 

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