Monday, June 6, 2011

Ceiling Fans, Buoys, and fence posts!!

It is time for another installment of "what the heck is Katie thinking about?" I sometimes just daze out and my mind runs around thinking different things. Some of my thoughts have to do with what is going on around me. Sometimes I am wondering random things. Sometimes, just sometimes, I am thinking of GOOD ideas. So it has been a while since I shared these thoughts, so I thought I would give you a typical day in the life of Katie's thoughts.....

Waking up in the morning:
I wonder what time Elleah got in here last night?
Should I eat, or brush my teeth first?!
Maybe if I hum, Elleah will go back to sleep and give me another 30 minutes! (don't lie mommys, you've tried it)

While sewing:
Why did I choose a hobby that involves needles? (ouch)
Why does there have to be a million shades of blue thread, and none of them match the blue fabric I am working with?

While driving:
I wonder how many miles I get after the gas light goes off?
Where is my windshield washer button? (its not just me, don't play)
How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign? 
When I get home, I should blog about my random thoughts and get them off my chest!! 

While playing with Elleah:
How does someone so small have so much energy?
I really understand why Elleah loves fruit snacks, they are freaking delicious!
Why does my daughter drink so much juice/milk?
How come when I pull out my camera, Elleah stops doing the cute stuff?
What is that smell?

While on the computer:
I wonder if I can scare that fly on my screen with my cursor?

While Elleah naps:
I think I will take a nap too.
I could kill those people for deciding that NOW would be a good time to mow outside my daughter's window!
I sat here and thought about it too long, now it is too late to go take a nap.... I hear Elleah stirring herself awake!
I take back all those times when I was younger and did not want to nap! You were right again mom!

While watching the game:

Random thoughts throughout the day:
Where, on the ark, did Noah keep the woodpeckers?
There is no way paper can really beat a rock.... is there?
WHOA.. Seaworld serves seafood don't they? hhmmmm is that a lil inappropriate or what?
How the heck do you fold a fitted sheet? 27 years old and I still just roll it up and wad it in the closet!!
I never write in cursive... (only my name)
ONE trip from the car with 20 grocery bags is way better than making two trips!
I clearly like every song that I took the time to download into my iPod... so why when I put it on shuffle do I still feel the need to flip the songs?! oh me!
If I die tomorrow, I will regret the fact that I did not eat that big chocolate cake today!!
Flashlights were put on this earth to hold dead batteries!! I am convinced!!! 
Why are they interrupting my programming to announce power outages.... the people with no power are probably NOT seeing this!! DUH! 
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? (the chocolate ones are YUM)
Is 8:43 too early for a drink?!

I am not the only one that thinks these things, I just might be one of the few that say them out loud!!! haha Oh well!!! 

PS-My mommy actually read my last blog without being asked to! SwEEEEt! lol

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