Friday, July 1, 2011

NKOTBSB - AGAIN... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 22nd finally came!! And then went.....way too fast!!! The New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys concert was absolutely AMAZING!! Kind of even a little bit EPIC! Let me set the scene for ya - 

Back in the day, Chipper Jones was of course my #1. But my close 2nd was the guys of BSB (esp Nick - don't judge me, he's SO my type). I was kind of a closet BSB fan! My parents, brother, and close friends knew I LOVED them, but when asked in random convos, I just kept quiet and shook it off. I guess I assumed it wasn't "cool". Well guess what?? It IS because I am 27 years old and anything I say I like... well, it is freaking COOL! haha. So going to see a Backstreet Boys concert before I die - check! 

And to make things THAT much greater.... they were teamed up with the New Kids on the Block! I know and love ALL of the New Kids' music, but I probably would not have gone to see just NKOTB. That has ALL changed. I knew BSB would be great (and they were), but NKOTB BLEW ME AWAY!! They put on an amazing show!!! SO combined... NKOTBSB..... BEST concert EVER! 

Hanging Next to the Stage
Love My Mommy!!

They finally arrive - 

And then they do FABULOUS things......

Danny from New Kids walked right past me....

Jordan gets my vote for best dancer/all around performer out of all 9 of them.....

The encore was UNBELIEVABLE... 

And we made some new friends.... 

SO this was one of the best nights EVER! I want to do it all over again.... and again!!! 


(more pics on facebook)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

*Special shout out to Lori and Brittney for the great pics*

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