Tuesday, May 10, 2011

45 Minutes!!

45 MINUTES!! That is how long it took me to scroll through twitter and facebook this morning! I woke up and immediately hopped on facebook and twitter. It took me 45 minutes to get out of bed because I HAD to read what everyone else in the world was doing. I got mad at myself when I realized what time it was! Was it THAT important to know what Kim Kardashian had for dinner last night!? I started to think about what I would have done if Elleah had been home. I would have gotten up with her first, of course, but after her breakfast was served, I am 99% sure I would have started scrolling twitter on my phone. 

I racked my brain until TJ got home for lunch. I told him what I was thinking and right then and there I decided to delete everybody I followed on twitter that I didn't need to. I love twitter. But I decided that I do not LOVE spending my time reading random things that people post. I kept all my news sources on there and people that I actually know, but every famous person I "unfollowed". I really was not being as productive as I could be or wanted to be. It is not really that I was even that interested in the first place, but it was definitely something to do! 

I also have a bad habit of looking at my phone every time it makes a noise. When someone does something on facebook and I get a "notification", I immediately check it! WHY?? What is going on right in front of me is DEFINITELY more important than anything that could have popped up. And 9 times out of 10, the notification is someone I do not even know posting on someone's status that I ALSO posted on. Why put my life on pause and go grab my phone just to see that. Everyone that needs me has my phone # and I can respond to a text message. But I can no longer halt what I am doing to check facebook. I turned my facebook notifications off.

Do not get me wrong. I LOVE both twitter and facebook and I am not going anywhere. But I am afraid that I will get so consumed with what is going on "out there" that I will miss something that is going on right here in front of me! 

Guess what I DON'T do anymore. Read. Sew for fun. Puzzles (I LOVE puzzles). Paint. Cook new things. I do not even blog about all the things I want to blog about because my online time is spent "socializing." I spend a TON of time with Elleah, but when I am doing something for myself, I have been making the wrong choices. I think I will save my twitter and facebook browsing to right before bed. And maybe when I am on the potty. Or in a waiting room and I am bored. Or on a road trip and TJ is driving. Or when I truly am bored.

Tomorrow, I am heading out to get me a new stack of books! (fyi-I am no longer reading books from my computer or phone either) 

PS-Some people that we follow on twitter are not even celebrities, they are foolish crazy people that make their life about nothing and are being filmed while doing it. And then followed by millions of people that hang on their every word. I just cannot be one of those millions anymore!! 

PSS-I am not being a "hater". I LOVE being on twitter and facebook.... but definitely a little TOO much...which is the problem.

PSS-I am going to see NKOTBSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PSSS-I Love PS's. But I think I mentioned that before! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented don't waste it on things that do not matter! I have a ton of books, james patterson, nicholas sparks, john grisham, anne rice, etc...just let me know and i will send them to you...love you Aunt cindy
