Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fate, Karma, Superstition.... all that cliche stuff!

I truly believe in fate, karma, superstition, and destiny. Come on, I am a baseball fan, of COURSE I believe in these things. Superstition for sure.... there as been MORE than one occasion I have turned my baseball hat inside out and upside down in order to help my team rally to a win. It is almost like I am the chosen one and if I do not have my "rally cap" on, my team will lose. It is not just me, right? And despite how corny this sounds (but I am always corny so whats new), I believe that we all have a certain destiny that we were put on this earth to fulfill. Realizing that destiny is magical and liberating. I think that once we realize our destiny, we are no longer concerned with things that are less meaningful. I definitely think that we can have more than one destiny. I, for one, realized that on August 13, 2009, one of my life's purposes was to be a mom. I never actually knew this about myself until she was here. But once she was here, I knew having her in my life was destiny. I also think it is my destiny to ride every major roller  coaster in this country. Even if I pee pee on myself, I think that my love for roller coasters was given to me for a reason and that I should use this gift for good, not evil.
Am I the only fortune cookie reader? NOOOOOOO. Everybody reads their fortune cookies. We disregard the ones we don't like and the ones we do like, we think are mapping out our fate. I love when my fortune cookie says something like "You have an important new business deal shaping up". I usually spend the next few hours going over in my head what "business" deal I could possible have. Much less one that is "shaping up". When I get one that says something like "You are the crunchy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life", I disregard. I do not even know what that means!!! My brother and Teal were out with my parents one night at a chinese restaurant and this was my brother's fortune:  

I am not sure how much more convincing he needs. It is all right there in red and white, and yet, he has not popped the question. This kind of fortune is fate.... he need not disregard such obvious fact! ;-)

You gotta lead a life that keeps karma from biting you in the bootie. I believe that karma really does exist. I mean, if you are mean to me, and then two days later your a/c goes out.... boom.... karma! I try to lead a life that prevents me from ever being bit back by karma. I do not always succeed of course, but I try. I try very hard to never knock my team's opponent. If I talk crap, chances are, the next batter is going to come up and hit a home run to put my team down by a run. Boooo. Cannot let that happen! Karma can be good though. If you are nice to me, and two days later your a/c bill goes down $100....ding ding....good karma! With all that is going on with TJ, I am really really trying to drum up some good karma. Now would be the time to ask me for a million dollars. I do not have a million dollars so I will not be giving you any, but I will be sooooo nice when I tell you "sorry, I do not have a million dollars." :-) 

FYI---I believe in being in the "right place at the right time." I believe in "taking one for the team." I believe that the "acorn does not fall far from the tree." And I believe that "late is better than never." Cliches are cliche... but they are so true!!!! haha


  1. Katie, I think you were born to be a writer or at least a columnist in the newspaper. I enjoy reading your post each and every time and believe me that is better than any newspaper. You might consider writing a book (humourous of course)it would be a best seller!!!! Love You Aunt Lyne,

  2. Good stuff, Katie! I have to agree with you on the Karma stuff, for sure! There's a quote that I've always loved and try to live by:

    "How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours."
    -Wayne Dyer

    Good stuff! I know it's been years since I've seen or talked to you, but I hope all is well! Your daughter is beautiful!

  3. Thank you Aunt Lyne! I just may.... ;-)

    Carrie, I LOVE that quote. Thank you for sharing! It HAS been years, hope you are doing well!! And thank you about my Elleah, she is the best!!
