Sunday, May 15, 2011

Katie I Am

I received one of those oldie emails, a few weeks ago, that had 50 questions for me to fill out and send to 10 people so that I could get money in my mailbox or money will grow on my trees or something like that..... I just took TEN random ones and posted them here, it seemed to make more sense that way!

1.What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs and Ham... Sam I am! Actually it is Katie I am, but you get it!

2.If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
Dick Van Dyke. Or maybe I dream of Jeannie, if I could be Jeannie of course. In which case I would blink me a mansion with a pool and a maid and a butler and a cook and a laundry doer and a foot massager person. But it would definitely be something old old old school like that!! Those were the days!

3.What's the worst habit you're proudest of breaking?
Most of my bad habits are still proudly in tact thank you very much! lol

4. Who is your favorite TV attorney?
Will Truman!! 

5.What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
Um, I do not get deals like Janet does. I would just embarrass myself with this answer. But let it be known, my mom is the deal QUEEN. Come to think of it, I can do a whole blog just about her DEALS. (note to self: interview mom for future blog)

6. Where were you on September 11, 2001?
I was in first period at PFHS. I was a senior and worked in the front office as an office assistant first period. The guidance councilor came running over asking if we just saw what happen? We ran into the guidance office to watch the TV. Shamefully, my first thought was "what kind of idiot pilot did not see that big ass building sitting in front of them?" I guess I just never dreamed our country would be under a terrorist attack. But as we watched, the 2nd plane flew into the other tower and I just lost it. It all became so clear and I felt so scared and helpless.

7. What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
The buffet.

8. What's your least favorite word?
I hate when a 'B' is put on haha's. Like 'Bahaha'. It is weird and when I imagine it being said out loud, it seems dim or defective.... like it is not meant to be said that way, but comes out that way. Wait, is bahaha even a word??? haha

9.If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
Alabama... that way I would be first in line everywhere I go. Alaska would be behind me talking to Arizona about how they wish their name was Alabama so that they could be first! ...Haters! 

10.Where do you go for advice?
My magic 8 ball. I actually do not have a magic 8 ball, how dare me lie to you all. But the magic 8 ball is the epitome of advice being given the right way. Yes. No. Ask again later. Maybe. My sources say No. Signs point to Yes. That is really all the advice ya need! 

OOOO I just thought of something... Magic 8 Ball... there HAS to be an app for that..... HAS TO BE!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

45 Minutes!!

45 MINUTES!! That is how long it took me to scroll through twitter and facebook this morning! I woke up and immediately hopped on facebook and twitter. It took me 45 minutes to get out of bed because I HAD to read what everyone else in the world was doing. I got mad at myself when I realized what time it was! Was it THAT important to know what Kim Kardashian had for dinner last night!? I started to think about what I would have done if Elleah had been home. I would have gotten up with her first, of course, but after her breakfast was served, I am 99% sure I would have started scrolling twitter on my phone. 

I racked my brain until TJ got home for lunch. I told him what I was thinking and right then and there I decided to delete everybody I followed on twitter that I didn't need to. I love twitter. But I decided that I do not LOVE spending my time reading random things that people post. I kept all my news sources on there and people that I actually know, but every famous person I "unfollowed". I really was not being as productive as I could be or wanted to be. It is not really that I was even that interested in the first place, but it was definitely something to do! 

I also have a bad habit of looking at my phone every time it makes a noise. When someone does something on facebook and I get a "notification", I immediately check it! WHY?? What is going on right in front of me is DEFINITELY more important than anything that could have popped up. And 9 times out of 10, the notification is someone I do not even know posting on someone's status that I ALSO posted on. Why put my life on pause and go grab my phone just to see that. Everyone that needs me has my phone # and I can respond to a text message. But I can no longer halt what I am doing to check facebook. I turned my facebook notifications off.

Do not get me wrong. I LOVE both twitter and facebook and I am not going anywhere. But I am afraid that I will get so consumed with what is going on "out there" that I will miss something that is going on right here in front of me! 

Guess what I DON'T do anymore. Read. Sew for fun. Puzzles (I LOVE puzzles). Paint. Cook new things. I do not even blog about all the things I want to blog about because my online time is spent "socializing." I spend a TON of time with Elleah, but when I am doing something for myself, I have been making the wrong choices. I think I will save my twitter and facebook browsing to right before bed. And maybe when I am on the potty. Or in a waiting room and I am bored. Or on a road trip and TJ is driving. Or when I truly am bored.

Tomorrow, I am heading out to get me a new stack of books! (fyi-I am no longer reading books from my computer or phone either) 

PS-Some people that we follow on twitter are not even celebrities, they are foolish crazy people that make their life about nothing and are being filmed while doing it. And then followed by millions of people that hang on their every word. I just cannot be one of those millions anymore!! 

PSS-I am not being a "hater". I LOVE being on twitter and facebook.... but definitely a little TOO much...which is the problem.

PSS-I am going to see NKOTBSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PSSS-I Love PS's. But I think I mentioned that before! ;-)


So many of you already know that TJ was finally diagnosed with Mono! His initial mono tests came back negative, and docs began to tell us we needed to move on the test for options that were a bit more serious. They called in an oncologist and a hematologist and they both ruled out certain things. The day he left the hospital, they took 6 vials of blood for more testing. A week later, he had an appt with a surgeon who informed him that his lasted blood tests DID show mono! Not that mono is a great thing to have, but it sure beats Lymphoma or Leukemia!! Since this diagnosis, I have been asked sooo many questions.... so I thought I would do a FAQ blog and answer some of those questions!!!! 

1. Who did TJ kiss? 
TJ did not kiss anyone. No, I do not think TJ cheated on me. 1, he would be totally stupid to do that because I AM AWESOME! 2, calling it the "kissing disease" is kinda a myth! From WebMD - Mono lives and grows in the nose and throat. Any fluid that comes from these parts of the body, including saliva, tears, or mucus, can be infected with the virus. The virus is spread when people come in contact with infected fluids.

2. Do I have Mono now? 
I tried really hard to not share anything with TJ while his diagnosis was unknown. And IF I did contract the virus, I am not showing any symptoms yet. I am just hoping all is ok.

3. What about Elleah?
We took precautions with her as well and most sources we have read said that children can come in contact with the virus and still not contract because of their immunity at such a young age. 

4. So what about the spleen rupture?
Mono causes your spleen to enlarge. TJ knew he was sick, but did not know it was something that would cause his spleen to enlarge. After your spleen enlarges, it takes only the slightest impact in that area to cause it to bleed. We are thinking he was playing with Elleah like he does and she might have jumped on him in just the right spot! 

5. What now? 
He will be off and on tired for up to 3 months and his spleen needs 6 months to fully recover and scar over. So he cannot do any sports or tiring activities. And he is on light duty a work.

PS- I am going to see NKOTBSB!!!!!!!!! yaaahhooooo 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Step one - We can have lots of fun

I have never denied being a teeny bopper! It is not an insult to me! I like bright pink shiny things, I love Twilight, and YES I love me some boy bands! With that being said..... TJ GOT ME TICKETS TO SEE NKOTBSB IN CONCERT!!!!!!!! I am super duper excited! When I was really young, I had New Kids on the Block cassettes. THATS RIGHT, a cassette tape, I am old!! I would watch them on Disney when they were in concert and I must admit... I was a Jordan fan. My favorite song? Step By Step. DUH (hence the title of this blog)! With a little Please Don't Go Girl thrown in there! 

As for the Backstreet Boys!!! I owned all their CDs! I say 'owned' like I do not have these CDs in question anymore.... but I do! So I guess the correct thing to say would be, I OWN all their CDs. And when iTunes came around, I was downloading them as they were released. I do not constantly listen to them like I used to, but their music has never gotten old to me. And their newer stuff grew with me! My favorite song? WAY too many to choose!! But "Back to your Heart" is up there. Along with "More than That"....I could go on. This concert will definitely knock a big one off my bucket list!

TJ bought me two tickets and told me, "Katie, I will go if I have to, but I really really do not want to." haha poor guy! So I told him I knew exactly who I wanted to take! My MOMMY!! She is the one that rocked out in the car with me (when I was too young to drive) and learned every word to every song. She even has her own crazy (and awkward) dance moves to some of them. She used to embarrass me. But now I just think she will make a crazy good NKOTBSB date!! TJ was so glad I chose mom. He said left the decision up to me but said "I was hoping you would ask her, she deserves it." And I definitely agree! (even if she don't read my blog ;-))

So here it is: Katie Runnels & Janet Johnson, Philips Arena - Atlanta, GA, June 22, 2011. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Katie, the Infamous Poet!

If you read my blog post titled What Took Me So Long? you would have read that I once wrote a poem about baseball... it was in 7th grade I believe. Anywho, I thought it would be nice to share it with you all......


I'm up in the stands 
The sun is real hot
The fans are laughing 
at the silly mascot
We start up the wave 
and begin to shout
This is what the game 
is all about

There is a runner on second 
and a runner on third
They get a lead off 
without saying a word
They start to run 
at the crack of the bat
They slide in safe, 
Imagine That!

The game is over 
The home team has won
Being at the ballpark
Is so much fun!!

By: Katie Johnson

LOL. I laugh every time I think of this poem. I was so darn proud of it. Hope you enjoyed it and it gave you a little chuckle!!! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fate, Karma, Superstition.... all that cliche stuff!

I truly believe in fate, karma, superstition, and destiny. Come on, I am a baseball fan, of COURSE I believe in these things. Superstition for sure.... there as been MORE than one occasion I have turned my baseball hat inside out and upside down in order to help my team rally to a win. It is almost like I am the chosen one and if I do not have my "rally cap" on, my team will lose. It is not just me, right? And despite how corny this sounds (but I am always corny so whats new), I believe that we all have a certain destiny that we were put on this earth to fulfill. Realizing that destiny is magical and liberating. I think that once we realize our destiny, we are no longer concerned with things that are less meaningful. I definitely think that we can have more than one destiny. I, for one, realized that on August 13, 2009, one of my life's purposes was to be a mom. I never actually knew this about myself until she was here. But once she was here, I knew having her in my life was destiny. I also think it is my destiny to ride every major roller  coaster in this country. Even if I pee pee on myself, I think that my love for roller coasters was given to me for a reason and that I should use this gift for good, not evil.
Am I the only fortune cookie reader? NOOOOOOO. Everybody reads their fortune cookies. We disregard the ones we don't like and the ones we do like, we think are mapping out our fate. I love when my fortune cookie says something like "You have an important new business deal shaping up". I usually spend the next few hours going over in my head what "business" deal I could possible have. Much less one that is "shaping up". When I get one that says something like "You are the crunchy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life", I disregard. I do not even know what that means!!! My brother and Teal were out with my parents one night at a chinese restaurant and this was my brother's fortune:  

I am not sure how much more convincing he needs. It is all right there in red and white, and yet, he has not popped the question. This kind of fortune is fate.... he need not disregard such obvious fact! ;-)

You gotta lead a life that keeps karma from biting you in the bootie. I believe that karma really does exist. I mean, if you are mean to me, and then two days later your a/c goes out.... boom.... karma! I try to lead a life that prevents me from ever being bit back by karma. I do not always succeed of course, but I try. I try very hard to never knock my team's opponent. If I talk crap, chances are, the next batter is going to come up and hit a home run to put my team down by a run. Boooo. Cannot let that happen! Karma can be good though. If you are nice to me, and two days later your a/c bill goes down $100....ding ding....good karma! With all that is going on with TJ, I am really really trying to drum up some good karma. Now would be the time to ask me for a million dollars. I do not have a million dollars so I will not be giving you any, but I will be sooooo nice when I tell you "sorry, I do not have a million dollars." :-) 

FYI---I believe in being in the "right place at the right time." I believe in "taking one for the team." I believe that the "acorn does not fall far from the tree." And I believe that "late is better than never." Cliches are cliche... but they are so true!!!! haha