Sunday, January 9, 2011

What the Heck?!?

You ever have one of those days (or weeks) where you are like "What the Heck is going on here???" I had one of those weeks. It started when TJ, Elleah, and I decided to make a trip to the grocery store. While the grocery store experience was an OK experience, we returned to a MESS. While we were gone, Austin decided that rummaging through the trash can was his new thing.....
..... When we walked in, we went to the kitchen with the groceries and immediately noticed that the dog's water was RED with blood. After further investigation, we realized that there was blood all in the food bowl as well (it did not take THAT much more investigating because, ya know, the food bowl was right next to the water). So we knew one of the dogs must have been bleeding, but they both were acting fine. Then we found it... an open can on the floor that HAD been sitting on top of the trash (we forgot to close the trash lid). We immediately assumed it was Gracie because trash rummaging is her M.O. But she is not tall enough to reach the top of the trash. So we checked Austin and saw where he had cut his lip. It just could NOT end there could it?!? After we ate dinner and started getting ready to put Elleah to bed, I walked into Elleah's room and saw what I thought was a murder scene!!!! WHAT THE HECK?! Austin had gone in there and rubbed his bleeding lips AAALLLLL over the carpet, AALLL over Elleah's bed, ALLLL over her pillows and animals, and there were blood splatters alll over the walls and toys. Gross right?? WHY HER ROOM!?? And I am sure you are thinking "Oh poor Austin." But I was thinking.... "oh poor ME." Because here it is, BED TIME, and I (along with TJ of course) am having to steam clean, change sheets, clorox toys, wipe down the walls, and even throw away some things!! A MESS. (I have pics, trust me you do not want to see them.... even my bro said they were DISGUSTING)

Lets move forward two nights. My poor baby starts crying in the middle of the night. I get up and hurry to her room only to realize that my poor angel was getting sick. She had gotten sick ALL over her bed, floor, blankets, pillows, and some of her toys. I was thinking "MY POOR BABY." But I was also thinking, "I JUST steam cleaned and cleaned in here." lol. I was a mess and had to take a 1am shower. I cleaned what I could and put her in bed with me and TJ. About an hour later, she sits up and gets sick again, I then took ANOTHER shower at 2:30am. After getting her cleaned up and a new change of clothes, she did it AGAIN. This time, I was not hit, but the sheets on the bed were awful. TJ had to move to the couch, and Elleah and I slept in my bed on top of an old quilt covered with an old blanket. She ended up feeling ok the next morning. But after that night, I had a LOT of cleaning to do. Let's just say that after this past week, Elleah has the cleanest room in Georgia! lol.

**(I think that it is important that I mention that Elleah's door was closed. Austin has learned how to open the doors in this house with his paws. They are not knobs but handles, and he pulls them down and pushes the door open. Never thought I would have to get baby door safety things to keep AUSTIN out of certain rooms. What the HECK?!?)**

As if that was not enough, I ended up getting SOOO sick Friday night. I thought I was going to die.... no really... I REALLY thought it was the end for me. I was was miserable. You know that feeling where you feel so awful that you forgot what it is like to feel better and you are afraid that you will never feel better again?!? Yeah that was ME. Thank GOD it only lasted one night. I was still feeling a little queasy yesterday, but today I have been able to eat. YAY. Just glad this week is over.....

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