Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Elleah's Antics Pt1

My daughter cracks me up! As I was sitting here, she must have done 865465465418 things that had me laughing at her (or laughing WITH her). Some things she does by accident, others are on purpose. I thought I would share a few: 

Ok, so it cracks me up that she brings me her entire chair and tray when she is hungry. It is not light and she knows the word "eat", yet she chooses to bring me her chair. Another thing, if I do not get up fast enough, she takes the loaf of bread off the counter and brings it to me. It seems as though no matter where I put the bread, she can find it and REACH it. I think she might have a little "inspector gadget" in her. We keep a salt and pepper shaker on the table. Recently, she has climbed up on the chair, learned to shake the salt out on to the table, and run her finger through it. She licks the salt off her finger and goes "MMMMMMMM". hahaha. She also insists that we salt and pepper the food on her plate before she will eat (I think she sees her daddy do it and thinks you are supposed to do that). Speaking of the TABLE, she likes to put her toys on the table. No no, I am not talking about her dolls and books, I am talking about her ROCKING HORSE and play STROLLER. 

When she wants to watch diego or dora, she brings me the remote and starts yelling "Da-go Da-go Da-go." -which is her word for diego. After dinner, she pushes her plate away when she is full. After we get her out of her chair, she likes taking her own plate to the kitchen. It is adorable! Not very helpful since she does not know to keep it steady and straight, but the dogs dont mind and it is definitely a good habit. She also loves unloading the dishwasher. Sure, she puts everything in the same drawer, but she is so proud of herself when she is done. She refuses to say "one, two, three" but if you are on a count down to swing her around or something like that, and you get stuck on "one." She will yell, "TWO, CHEE (three)". Almost in a hurry up manner. haha. 

I am not sure where she learned the word "OW"!?!?! But she thinks that all through a diaper change she is supposed to yell, "OW, OW, OW....". Seriously?! And "HELP".... she uses this word when, well... when she needs help! lol. But it is so dramatic and not always necessary. For Example - she yells help when one of us are trying to brush her teeth OR when she cannot reach something on the counter (which she should not be doing any way). She tells the dogs to GO when they get too close to her snacks! And when she eats something, she likes to dip it in ketchup.... does not matter what she is eating! 

I love her....... she is kinda amazing!!!

To be continued.........


  1. Hahahaah! I think she has a great sense of humor just like her mama. On the same topics:
    - Jubilee calls Diego "DEE-GEG-GO" I have no idea why, but she loves to make some words waaaay more difficult than they actually are :o)
    - When J was still in diapers I would seriously gag and dry heave when changing a poopy (I have HORRIBLE gag reflexes) and I started saying, "Oh Gosh!" everytime I opened a poopy diaper. Well, everytime I would lay her down to change her she would say (with lots of drama behind it), "OH GOSH!!!!!!!!!" when I'd open a poopy one :o) Hahaha! These girls are SILLY!!! LOVE IT!

  2. Hahaha that is hilarious! I do not say OW when i change her diaper, not sure where she picked it up! That is hilarious that you would gag... I have had so many awful experiences with it (like her taking off her diaper and going in my SHOWER) that it does not even phase me. I am HAPPY when it is IN the diaper!! lmbo!
