Monday, January 17, 2011

Dinner Plans

So even though I am a stay at home mom, does not mean I cannot find a million productive things to do to fill my day. Most days, I can barely keep my head up by 8pm. I absolutely love to cook. But at the same time, who wants to add that to a daily chore list?! So I decided to try something new this week. I spent about 2 hours yesterday (a Sunday so that TJ was home to help with Elleah) preparing food to eat throughout the week. I know that everybody has heard of this idea. I have always been afraid to try it. But I figured if I started small, maybe I would not be discouraged. So I made a list of 6 simple meals: Meatloaf, Spaghetti, Roast, Chicken, tortilla soup, and grilled salmon.

When I made the meatloaf, I separated the meat into two different bowls. The first bowl I made up as meatloaf. The second bowl I made up as meatballs and added them to cooked noodles and sauce for spaghetti. I love homemade mashed potatoes with my meatloaf, so I made a double batch of mashed potatoes. The second batch I can store away for another meal, or eat with my chicken later in the week. While I was cutting up potatoes, I cleaned and cut potatoes for my roast as well. I will throw those in the crock pot one morning (my second fave kitchen invention). I went ahead and made the citrus glaze for my salmon and I already have the sauce for my chicken ready. Tortilla soup is easy... we buy it in the bag. haha. Add water and presto!!! Then after all was made and cooled, I used my FIRST favorite kitchen invention - the FOODSAVER.

I sealed everything up and popped it into the freezer. I will still have to prepare a veggie or two, and some rice for my salmon, but I am hoping the hard parts are done. I would not normally make all of these particular foods in one week, but like I said, they are all pretty simple to prepare and if this is going to be successful, I had to start SIMPLE. I did not dedicate any one meal to any particular night, I like to have SOME options. lol.

I will let everyone know how this plan turns out......

I wanted to mention that I did also get some frozen pizzas for a night when all else is failing! haha. Ya just never know!!!!!

Also, I have to admit, I finally decided to try this plan partly because I wanted an excuse to use my awesome foodsaver!!

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