Saturday, January 22, 2011

.5 times out of 10

I think for the most part, I am a positive and happy person. I like to see the good side of things and try to stay optimistic as much as possible. I have posted before about learning to appreciate and like the "little things" in life. I really do believe that 9.5 times out of 10 I am able to uphold this mindset and stay positive. HOWEVER, there is a .5 time. That small, measly .5 time when I just CANNOT see the good and am so easily frustrated. I turn into THAT person - you know, the one that cannot find the good in ANYTHING?! So I thought that instead of a happy little post about loving things.... I would post up a cranky little post about things I HATE!

I hate when Austin snores too loud, so I turn up the TV, but TJ is trying to sleep and asks me to turn it back down. I hate the fact that I could vacuum and mop everyday, and you would never be able to tell, because 5 seconds later, something will spill, a dog will shed, and a boot with dirt will come walking though. I hate when people ride my tail so close that I cannot see their head lights. I hate when someone is in the express lane with MORE than 10 items. I hate not getting a parking spot next to the buggy return. I hate when you can hear a pin drop in a quiet public bathroom. I hate when a restaurant does not have many options on their menu. I hate when  Elleah grows out of an awesome pair of shoes. I hate when I am walking on my carpet and I step on an ACORN (yeah... it happens folks... it hurts). I hate when the guide on the TV says private practice is gonna record, and when I go to watch it... it is Off The Map. wth?! I hate that the off season for baseball is a million years long. I hate when TJ has control of the remote. I hate that I live 45 minutes from the nearest hobby lobby. I hate that I live 50 minutes from the nearest Joanns. I hate that Lois & Clark the Adventures of Superman was only 4 seasons long. I hate that Elleah no longer stacks the pillows. :-( 

OK I will head back to positivity. Maybe. One day. Ok today. Maybe. 

Ok one more - I hate that blogger only gives you 7 font options!!! Boo!


  1. ok I totally get the growing out of the shoes thing but take it one step further and you can never find them again. And the off the map thing made me so mad I could have thrown something) and 20 minutes from target 45 minutes from hobby lobby and 50 minutes from joanns is good for my wallet bad for me though.

  2. One more thing I hate. Being 5.5 hours from you!! When are you coming? I will love to see you. We have 4 weeks.

  3. YES I definitely hate being 5.5 hours from you!!!!! I am hoping to come soon. I might hold out the four weeks so I can see Alex. My bro told me that if I can make it up, he will kick it in gear and help out with E. That way I do not have to wait on TJ so much. But the drive with E... well, lets just say I MAY have to do it at night.... when she will want to sleep!!! haha. No worries... I am definitely coming to see that precious baby!!! oh and you and Charlie ;-)

  4. Ohhh, you are a girl after my own heart! I am the same way! I am happy most of the time and love people and things, BUT geez there are some things that really irk me and they irk me good. :o)

  5. I'm sorry for the dirty boots but I am soooo GLAD that some resturants have only a few items on the menu... with you it helps your decision.

  6. I love that you love Private Practice and I hated finding Off the Map recorded, too!
