Monday, December 27, 2010

One More Christmas Post!

We had SUCH a fantastic Christmas! TJ and I were so excited to help Santa this year! We let Elleah stay up a little late and went to look at the Christmas lights around town. She is so funny because she would see a house with lots of lights and then yell "OH WOW." Saying Oh Wow is like her thing these days! The great part is that she knows WHEN to use it. Just like she knows when to use Uh Oh! lol. So I baked some cinnamon roll cookies for Santa this year. I figured he might get tired of sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies. I found this awesome recipe in a book (I will send it to anyone that wants to try them out) and even though mine did not quite LOOK like the pic, they were yummy!! ;-) After Elleah went to bed, we set up all her presents in front of the Christmas Tree.......

She got a table and chairs set, a small basketball goal that talks to her and encourages her when she is playing with it, and a bunch of other toys! She had a blast unwrapping the presents. She would tear the paper off, yell "Oh Wow," and then go to the next the paper off, yell "oh wow", and go on to do it again! It was so funny....

Mom and dad were at Mike's house so we got on Skype and opened all our presents together! We took turns so that everybody got to watch each other open! Everybody wanted to watch Elleah unwrap so this worked out good....
Teal opening her iPad that Mike got her!
Elleah got pretty upset when all the presents were gone. She was having so much fun and did not realize that eventually, the presents are gone. But we let her unwrap ours too, and since unwrapping was the "FUN" part, she was happy. My living room was trashed!! It took us forever to get it all out of the house. I know my trash man is going to be ticked on Tuesday when he gets here. It is especially bad because we forgot about trash day last Tuesday... so we have two weeks worth of trash, plus all the Christmas I almost wish I could hide behind a tree and listen to his naughty words when he gets here! I took a pic, but I am not sure I should post it... it is shameful! 

After a crazy morning of playing and cleaning, my two crazies decided they needed a nap. They napped like this for THREE hours....

Almost my whole family went up to my brother's house in Atlanta. It just so happens that Christmas fell on the same weekend that the Falcons and Saints play Monday night football in Atlanta. TJ and I were trying to go and wanted to sooo bad. But since TJ was on "duty" this weekend, we could not really leave town. I did not want to go without him. For one, I would miss him. Two, it is tiring travelling alone with Elleah. Three, I have been flat out exhausted.... if he did not go, I would have nobody to do the! Anywho, we skyped a bit and said hey to everyone. I was feeling super sad that I could not be there. Then to add insult to injury, they start sending me pics of it SNOWING there... 
Snowing at Mike's house
Yeah..... lets not talk about that any more. I have to say though.... being with TJ and Elleah was the BEST. Elleah is learning so many new things and watching her is something I could do ALL DAY. Beats watching it snow any day!! :-) I hope everybody had an awesome Christmas as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Baby! Keep up the blogs... I like reading all the stories that you tell me all over again! You always make me laugh reading them though.
