Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Merry Christmas Blog

Blogging while Elleah takes her Merry Christmas NAP....

So, I do not do Christmas cards. I always TRY to, but it never happens. For some reason, I underestimate the amount of time they take and always attempt to do them after it is too late!!! I will make up for it though, because this year I got so many Christmas cards, more than I ever have, and at some point I turned to TJ and said "It is so nice that all these people think of us, especially around the holidays." Thank you so much for all the LOVE you guys have sent our way! We think of you guys too and are so happy we have friends and family like you all. 

In the spirit of "thank yous"....
I have always considered myself to be someone that is "very close" to the people in my family. But I think that until I had Elleah, I took that for granted. I just kept to myself and barely kept in touch with anyone except my mom and dad and brother. I admit, the fact that most of the people I love so much are on facebook makes it easier to keep in touch these days, but it is more than that. I realized that these people were always there, they always loved me, and that once facebook disappears, they will still BE there and love me. Having Elleah has made me more aware of this. Because it is not about ME anymore, right? It is so important to me that Elleah be surrounded by people that love her for the simple fact that she EXISTS. I know who these people are. I truly believe that THEY know who they are too. They are the people I post pictures for, the people I update my status for, and the people I TAKE videos for. I wish that I could do more! The holidays make me wish I could do more! And one day I hopefully will.... but until then.... please know that I know you are all here for me and my family. I know you love us and especially our princess. 0:-) I hope that you know the same things about me.... that I love you, I am here for you, I appreciate you, and I am so THANKFUL for you!! 

^^To my friends that have kept in touch - to my friends that after a month or two, we can still talk and catch up because we love each other so much - to my family that I have become closer with - to my family that I was ALWAYS close with - to my family that has been SO MUCH MORE to me - to my husband, so amazing - to my brother, taking the TIME -  to my parents, for everything - to Elleah, being my LIFE and making sure that my life had an amazing purpose




  1. I always love reading your posts! But I wanted to let you know that I think this one was AMAZING!!

  2. I love this post, too!! I love you Katie and miss you very much!!!

  3. I love you too girl! miss you!!!!!!!
