Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where am I?

Where have I been? Well, ALL OVER! LOL. SO much to do, so much to see, so much to watch! I have been working and cooking and playing and shopping and screaming and footballing and running and laughing and facebooking and tweeting and dancing classing. Whew. I am exhausted. haha. The End! ;-)

Monday, May 28, 2012

25 Things you might not know about me

Once a week on Twitter, I see a post by USweekly- 25 interesting facts about a certain celebrity. For some reason, I read these all the time, but always end up going "Pshh I am way more interesting than that" LOL. So I am going to post my own 25 interesting facts.... about me.... :-)

1. My favorite movie of all time is Rookie of the Year.
2. I hate nuts on/in my food. A Snickers is the ONLY exception. lol
3. My favorite superhero is Superman. The Dean Cain version. :-)
4. I want to kill people that whistle.
5. I once went to Tennis camp and won first place. In my adult years, I have never won- without cheating.
6. I seem to have an extremely weak stomach. I get nauseated so easily.
7. I took 4 years of Latin in high school.
8. I am extremely scared of needles, cats, and balloons!
9. I am a Mario Kart Champion!!!
10. When I was 4ish, I cut both mine and my brother's hair! hehe
11. I laugh SO much. I love watching Stand-up. Sit-coms are my fave. And I scroll the funny posters and memes online like its my job!
12. I have been following baseball (pro) for 17 years. Like, seriously following baseball.... all the time. Watching games 24/7.
13. I was one of the first people ever to own an iPhone. haha. had to be... TJ bought me one right when the first one came out!
14. I think the pilots of the Blue Angels are SO sexy, yet I do not know what any of them look like. haha
15. I broke my leg on the last Friday of summer, before my 4th grade year started, so I started that year in a cast all the way up my thigh.
16. I worked for a year for Fred Levin in his home. His wife arranged and paid for our entire honeymoon as a gift!
17. I used to never ever ever EVER want kids!!! I was dead serious that I never wanted kids!! ......... Now I want more!!! What a blessing they are!!!
18. My mom was my 10th grade biology teacher and my 12th grade anatomy teacher!
19. I passed out each time I got a hepatitis b shot! My brother passed out in the middle of laughing at me for passing out!!!! Lmao.
20. My high school football team won the FL State Championship when I was in 11th grade... 3rd overtime fumble recovery in the end zone.... Intense! Ha
21. Elleah was my second pregnancy. :(
22. I once tripped over a stadium chair trying to get down to take a pic with Jeff Francour at a baseball game. I fell over the railing, almost landed on the field. Jeff caught me... (most embarrassing moment ever)
23. I can burp extremely loud. Lolololol
24. I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order in less than 20 seconds.
25. I still can't jump into a pool without plugging my nose, I don't trust myself to not breath!

I think I am going to ask other people I find interesting to make me a list and my blog can be like "USweekly-people that Katie knows edition!!" lolololol. Laters!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

50 Shades of Red!!

I love to read! I love reading a good book almost as much as I love watching a good ball game!!! I usually stick to emotional romances, mystery, thrillers, or a combination of these. Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Jodi Picoult, Janet Evanovich to name a small few.... !! I steer clear of sci-fi, futuristic, or horror/scary! My only exception was the Twilight series which became my FAVORITE books for a long time....... Until a few weeks ago.....

A friend of mine asked me if I was gonna read "50 Shades of Grey," - it had just become a best seller so I'm sure I eventually would have heard of it and read it. But after she brought it to my attention, I looked it up and gave it a go!! I was warned that it was quite racy and.... *ahem*... Explicit, but the description on the book gave me absolutely NO indication of what I was getting myself in to!!! I will say this much, if you can't handle a detailed and explicit description of, um, adult activities.... DO NOT READ this book!! This book is being dubbed "mommy porn," and I can see why, sorta (not sure its "mommyish though").

With that being said, I was 10 chapters in, completely inthralled by the story by the time I looked up and said out loud to myself "what the heck????" I swear I turned every bit of 50 shades of red with my mouth hung open while I continued to read! However, as explicit as it was, the story behind it and the big question of WHY? hung over my head. It is graphic, but with the story line, there really is no other way the author could have approached it..... Each "scene" shows a tad bit more into the WHY?! And trying to answer that is what makes this book MY NEW FAVORITE!!!

I read all three books in two weeks! I could have finished quicker but between each book I felt compelled to "take a break" from wrapping my head around this feeling of WHOAness (it's a word, google it lol)! Now that the story is over for me, and I have read all three books, I GET it!! The actual story line is compelling!!! It reaches out to those of us that loved Twilight but who also needed a more adult approach! Twilight was based on high schoolers, teens, and was geared towards attracting that same crowd. This book is geared towards ADULTS who do not mind stepping out of their comfort zone for the sake of a good story! I am so glad I kept reading......

I laugh at myself because when I get into a book, I talk about it 24/7. Not just this book, any book! I need to join a book club! Poor hubby gets the details and opinions of all the books I'm reading and he really really just don't care! Haha!

For those of you that HAVE read it- I googled "50 Shades of Grey" and guess what? It's BIG!! Movie is in the works and people are posting all over how wrapped up they are in this series and reading it again and again! I couldn't help laughing at how you know you've been reading too much "50 Shades!" You know, when you find yourself thinking or doing things from the book that you normally wouldn't do!? Here's my list:
1) You start calling your husband by his surname. Mr. -- ! Just as Ana does with Christian!
2) You smile every time you see an Audi.
3) You start using words you never have before, such as mercurial and beguiled.
4) Instead of saying "Bye", you now say "Laters, baby."
5) You could really use a glass of Bollinger and have no problem using a tea cup.
6) Vanilla is your new favorite flavor of ice cream.
7) You consider yourself every time you roll your eyes!
8) You have a new appreciation for kindles, iPads, nooks, and any other discrete source of book purchasing!
9) You finally realize what Rihanna meant in that one song! ;)
10) You feel compelled to buy your husband a silver tie!
11) ----you google 50 Shades of Grey and skip anything having to do with the actual color GREY------ (me) lol

Misconception---- Even though this book is basically one big porn, it does NOT get you all hot and bothered!!!!! Well, I'm sure it does for some!!! But it's a story about a man with some deep issues and the effect this woman has on him and his issues.... It's a STORY.... And moving along to learn more about the story is what keeps you going.... NOT all the sex.. It's just part of this story..... BUT seriously don't read it if you can't handle explicit stuff! lol
The Bad news--- I always wanted to name my son Christian and now I am not sure I can do that to my baby boy! That name will always be synonymous with this book! Oh well! lol

HILARIOUS!!.... don't watch it if you get offended easily!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Rules of Friendship, the Basics!

Here are the rules!!!

  • If you have a lot in common with someone, you can become good friends with that person!
  • If you do not have a lot in common with a person, be nice, but don't try to be BFF's. You will only end up silently judging that person for all their differences. And they will probably be doing the same to you!
  • If you are mad at a friend for something that offended you, tell them, and talk about it. 
  • If you are mad at a friend for something they say or do that is just "who they are", keep your mouth shut and just accept who they are!
  • If you cannot accept who they are, they probably should not be your friend.... which is completely OK!

You do not have to be friends with everyone! Do not try to force friendship with someone just because you think you have to. Fellow military wives... I am looking at YOU with this. We often think that because of our co-dependence on each other that we all have to be besties!! We don't! We can be there for one another and help one another, but we should limit ourselves to be close with those that have similar things in common with us. This will prevent the eventual breakdown of the friendship due to the fact that you have nothing in common and have been silently judging and getting annoyed with each other! This is also true for any kind of work or social environment. If you are trying to be besties with your co-workers who have nothing in common with you in your personal life, the outcome is the same. Count on it! 

IF you become good friends and THEN realize you do not have anything in common, well, look on the bright side... you have a constant and stable topic of conversation with your husband or mom everynight! smh. And so do they!!! win-win?! lol

Please keep in mind that this is my opinion, not scientific fact! lol

Monday, March 19, 2012

...When You Wish Upon a Spring Training...

It is very fitting that the Braves play their spring training games at Disney....because when I am at a game, that IS my Disney! Ever since last year's spring training game that we went to, I have gone on and on about going "next year." Well this past week was next year and we finally went to a game. Spring training games are, in my opinion, the BEST. The players are so relaxed, there are less people around, the players sign autographs and talk to fans, and the seats are cheaper! Can't beat that! So this day was MY day. TJ is awesome and he knows that this is my day. hehe. It might as well be my birthday! And to top it off, Elleah loves every bit of it!!!  

My lil booger headed up the steps!!

She rocked the Mickey stickers!!
Stretching 2, 3, 4, stretch....

Chatting.... wonder what they are saying?
Streeeeeetch.... two of my faves

Dale Murphy's son proposed to his GF before the game!
5th inning...

She had a BALL!!!! (get it?)

We moved up a few seats in the 8th inning
so she had room to be awesome!!!
(this video of her being awesome will follow... on FB maybe)
After the game, they let the kids run the bases on the field. When they made this announcement in the 7th inning, Elleah alertly heard them say "kids run the bases" and quickly informed me that "she was a kid, she wanted to run the bases." lol. So even though she was SO tired, and we really didn't think she would actually do it, we waited in line and when we got down there.... much to my disbelief, she dropped my hand and RAN THE BASES!! I was so proud and yet, so sad!! LOL. Parents couldn't go on the field, but this AWESOME lady saw Elleah come down and took her hand and ran ALL the way around with her! 

So another year in the books... I cannot wait until 2013, when I get to do it all over again!!! 

PS- We are talking about riding down for another game... this weekend maybe?!? I would die with over excitement! 
PSS- I love when there are things to love!!! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daytona 500 - epic really!

If your have ever said "I will never go to a NASCAR race, I hate NASCAR." Then you are seriously limiting your life's experiences and boy do I feel sorry for you. NASCAR I guess is known for being a "redneck" sport so there are some people out there that never even give it a chance. Most of you know that I do not limit my love for sports though. I pretty much love all sports (basketball can get kinda sleepy for me but I still like it). So a few years back, when TJ and I had our first opportunity to go to the Daytona 500, we went!! And I found a love that I never thought I would. I mean, I have always liked watching races on TV, but that was the extent of it. Actually going to a race changed that.... it is LOVE. NASCAR races live make football and baseball games just "ho-hum" events. YEP, I just said that.
So now that we live back on this side of the country, and Elleah is a little older, all the stars alined for us to go to another race. We got the family together and decided to go Daytona the RIGHT way. We rented campers and camped all weekend out by the speedway. We had a BLAST. Lots of cornhole tournaments, lots of food, lots of family fun.... it was GREAT!
Until Sunday. Race Day. It decides it is going to rain. A lot. We still tried making our way to the track but by the time we got there and got UNDERNEATH the grandstands for shelter from the rain, the race was CANCELLED! ugh!!! Rescheduled for Monday at noon. Well, like most normal people, my parents, brother, and rest of the family had to get home Monday... some people have to work, right? It was still raining at 10am on Monday so TJ and I headed home too. We had to turn our rental in and for heaven's sake we needed a SHOWER! LOL. On our way home though, it was announced that the race was pushed to 7pm. We only live 2 hours from Daytona. So after turning in the rental, we showered and like a couple of silly heads, we schlepped Elleah BACK down south for the race. I was SO sick that my family had bought tickets and were not able to go. But we live just too close to not give it a shot. We got there just in time to hear, "Gentlemen, start your engines." Such an awesome place....

Elleah was originally NOT going to go. She was going to stay with mom while the rest of us went. But with mom no longer there and all these extra tickets we had, Elleah went. That turned out to be great though, because she LOVED it. And she loved loved loved the...... Blimps! lol

The race was delayed 2hrs for a crazy fire!! We thought about leaving, but, naaaahhh! Elleah conveniently took a nap during the delay. She woke up ready for more racing!! So it worked out good. It was a LATE night though. We got in the car to come home at about 2:30am. Elleah was such a good girl. I am so thankful that she is so awesome and makes it easy for us to bring her along for things like this. She was asleep before we could hit the road. TJ and I both WANTED to be asleep too! So we pulled over at a rest stop to catch a few Zzzzz!! We were not the only This rest stop looked like a camp grounds! It was crazy! Cars were parked EVERYWHERE!!!! We pulled up in the grass along side a few other cars, folded the seats down in the suv, and passed out from exhaustion!!! Elleah woke us up about 7 saying she wanted to go home. She fell back asleep on the way home. When we got home, we all three curled up in our bed and slept till after 11. Then we went back to sleep around 1 and woke up at 5. We. All. Were. Tired. But it was worth it. It is not a normal day, it definitely threw us off routine, but we had a balllllll.
My advice.... Get your booties to a NASCAR race, just do it how you need to do it, and enjoy the heck out of yourselves!!! It gives me an adrenaline rush watching those cars speed by! I think Elleah felt it too!! Amazing!!

YouTube Video

*****The circumstances of this particular Daytona 500 were unbelievable. I know most people do not care about the details and since I am not ESPN, I will let you looks those details up if you are interested. But if you know all the little details, I think you too would agree it was epic really!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lovetown, USA

For months now, Kingland/St Marys, GA has been being scouted for a new show called Lovetown, USA. It is a match making reality show for the OWN network (Oprah's new network for you cave dwellers). Anywho, our little town was finally chosen and filming started Sunday at the kick off "love rally"! I was already thinking of seeing if TJ wanted to go down there for a bit when he called me from work on that Friday to inform me he had to work Sunday. Oprah had decided to come to the "Rally" and his boats were to pick her up in Fernandina Beach and bring her to Saint Marys. It wasn't completely out of the blue, the Coast Guard here is already sorta involved because one of the guys TJ works with is a 'contestant' (if thats what we are calling them). So while half the town was getting their panties in a wad over how much they hate all this, I embraced it and thought "Neato!!!!" PS: I think most people saying they hated it just said that because they didn't want to admit that they too thought it was NEATO! Because we all know it's Neato! Whatever! So I made plans for me and Elleah to go downtown and watch her daddy's boat come in. I gotta tell ya, they keep these boats under pretty tight lock and key and even though I had seen them before, it isn't a normal day they pull these boats out like this and bring them downtown, so I may have been more excited about THAT!! We ended up running into a few other coastie wives and had such a great time!! I think the rest of the day is better explained in pictures.....
Elleah was so good and had so much fun!

An empty pier, waiting on the boat!
Camera man gets ready...

Boat one... small boat... doing a sweep through :)

Boat 2, TJ's boat (he is the hunky one on the front)

TJ's boat pulling up! TJ is standing on the outside up front!

Then Oprah got off the boat for the show...

Then, while the show was going on, we crossed
the barricades to see the guys on the boats
crossing the ramp....
Finally it was over and they all lined up for a pic....
 TJ is behind the pole...LOL figures!
We had such a good time!! It was a gorgeous day, so spending it in the park was perfect!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Love is Always in the Air!

TJ and I have never celebrated Valentine's Day like some do. Do we buy each other cards?? Eh, not really! Big stuffed bears?? Nah, waste of money! Chocolates? Of course, but we don't actually present them to each other on vday like two Cupid struck lovers! I love TJ, almost more than anybody! But I don't just love him on Feb 14th!! I love him Feb 15th-Feb 13th too!! With that being said, I'm not anti-Valentine's Day either, I'm fine either way! Having Elleah makes things a little bit more interesting though. I don't need special days for her, but I love having things to celebrate WITH her! I decided that I would let her make special Valentine's cards for all the special people in our lives!! While I don't think it is necessary to celebrate Valentine's Day like two love birds with TJ, I do think it is a great opportunity to remind everyone that we L<3VE them and think of them!! So I laid out construction paper, stickers, pipe cleaners, glue, paint, glitter, crayons, markers, foam paper, and more!!! I invited some friends and their little ones over too!! What is more fun than making a biiiiiig mess with friends?? I let E make whatever she wanted on each card and then asked her who we should give it to! I helped her with name options, but she chose the end results!! I hope you all get your cards in time for Valentine's Day!! ;-) hehehe.

So TJ and I are laying in bed one night, both online, and he sees this invite to the Daddy Daughter Dance on base! Without hesitating, he mentions that he'd love to take Elleah. My heart melted because I just knew she would love nothing more than to go on a date with her daddy and that he was serious about taking her. I decided to make her a twirly skirt and top (the corset style that she loved so much) to match this zebra print shoes she always calling her "princess" shoes and dancing shoes!! She did not pose very well for pics, but here are a few pics of the end result. Notice how dapper Mr Runnels looks!!!! ;-)

After the dance, TJ informed me that while Elleah loved going in and watching, she got shy on the dance floor. He was able to slow dance with her a few times, but she mostly just loved the chocolate fountain and grapes! lol. When they got home, we turned on the music and all three danced! It was so much fun!!

And then TJ made us these this morning.... We love him so much!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas, Birthday, Yes!

So I have not blogged in a while.... so sue me! lol. You know how it goes - the Holidays can suck it out of ya! So here is the recap -

I took the week before and the week after Christmas for family, food, friends, fun, and rest! I went to Pensacola the week before Christmas. TJ had to work and Elleah and I wanted to see friends and family, so us girls took off and made the trip. It was SO worth it. We got to see some awesome friends and got to go to two family Christmas gatherings. I cannot remember the last time THAT has happened.

When we got home, it was Christmas Eve and time to get ready for Santa. We took Elleah to look at lights and then came home and made Santa some cookies. Elleah kept saying "I don't want to see Santa." haha. She is a "stranger-danger" kinda girl. I guess that is a good thing sometimes. But there was no convincing her that the bearded man with the big belly and deep voice was "JOLLY" and/or "Merry". When I told her that Santa brought her toys, she said "I don't want toys." haha. And whenever she seemed to be coming around, she changed her mind again. She was so funny but on Christmas morning when Santa left the presents and she did not have to SEE him, she was all good!

The week AFTER Christmas... I mean... what can I say?! It might be the most boring week of the year. You have that Christmas hangover, but you are not quite ready to move on. You have no money left, the good movies are no longer on TV, the redbox is sold out, you are tired of cooking and even eating at times, and you have a mess of a house because of all the new toys/wrapping paper/trash/etc. You just sit back and wait for the New Year.

OR, you get it all cleaned up and head up to see your brother in Atlanta. :-) Mike had the Monday game in New Orleans the weekend of Christmas, so on Christmas Day, he was just hanging out with Levi until time to take off. We skyped and chatted, but then he somehow convinced us to try and make it up there
Mike had Mom and Dad on skype too! haha

It took some maneuvering and manufacturing on TJ's part, but we made it up there! My parents had snuck up for a few days too so by the time my birthday came around, I got to have my whole family together (even if it was just for a day). But we did presents and CAKE! It was fun!
The cake was patiently waiting...

The candle... cracks me up! I love it!! 

Mom and Dad left and TJ, Elleah, and I stayed through Sunday and went to the football game. Elleah LOVES a good football game. LOL.

She also LOVES her Uncle Mike. She stays up on him as much as possible when he is around. I don't think he minds...hehehe.
Elleah and Uncle Mike. And the clouds were added
 thanks for me playing too much with my new ipad! lol
Such a good Christmas and Birthday!!!!! Now I am excited for what 2012 has in store for us!!!! Hopefully more of the same.... Family, Friends, Football, Fun, and Food. lol. FFFFF <~~~ Ok I am done. lol.

And Baseball..... ;-)