Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas, Birthday, Yes!

So I have not blogged in a while.... so sue me! lol. You know how it goes - the Holidays can suck it out of ya! So here is the recap -

I took the week before and the week after Christmas for family, food, friends, fun, and rest! I went to Pensacola the week before Christmas. TJ had to work and Elleah and I wanted to see friends and family, so us girls took off and made the trip. It was SO worth it. We got to see some awesome friends and got to go to two family Christmas gatherings. I cannot remember the last time THAT has happened.

When we got home, it was Christmas Eve and time to get ready for Santa. We took Elleah to look at lights and then came home and made Santa some cookies. Elleah kept saying "I don't want to see Santa." haha. She is a "stranger-danger" kinda girl. I guess that is a good thing sometimes. But there was no convincing her that the bearded man with the big belly and deep voice was "JOLLY" and/or "Merry". When I told her that Santa brought her toys, she said "I don't want toys." haha. And whenever she seemed to be coming around, she changed her mind again. She was so funny but on Christmas morning when Santa left the presents and she did not have to SEE him, she was all good!

The week AFTER Christmas... I mean... what can I say?! It might be the most boring week of the year. You have that Christmas hangover, but you are not quite ready to move on. You have no money left, the good movies are no longer on TV, the redbox is sold out, you are tired of cooking and even eating at times, and you have a mess of a house because of all the new toys/wrapping paper/trash/etc. You just sit back and wait for the New Year.

OR, you get it all cleaned up and head up to see your brother in Atlanta. :-) Mike had the Monday game in New Orleans the weekend of Christmas, so on Christmas Day, he was just hanging out with Levi until time to take off. We skyped and chatted, but then he somehow convinced us to try and make it up there
Mike had Mom and Dad on skype too! haha

It took some maneuvering and manufacturing on TJ's part, but we made it up there! My parents had snuck up for a few days too so by the time my birthday came around, I got to have my whole family together (even if it was just for a day). But we did presents and CAKE! It was fun!
The cake was patiently waiting...

The candle... cracks me up! I love it!! 

Mom and Dad left and TJ, Elleah, and I stayed through Sunday and went to the football game. Elleah LOVES a good football game. LOL.

She also LOVES her Uncle Mike. She stays up on him as much as possible when he is around. I don't think he minds...hehehe.
Elleah and Uncle Mike. And the clouds were added
 thanks for me playing too much with my new ipad! lol
Such a good Christmas and Birthday!!!!! Now I am excited for what 2012 has in store for us!!!! Hopefully more of the same.... Family, Friends, Football, Fun, and Food. lol. FFFFF <~~~ Ok I am done. lol.

And Baseball..... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading all your comments and news about your holiday. You really did it all!!!!! We really enjoyed seeing you and E, such an added good time. Glad she liked her Santa gifts although she doesn't really care for Santa himself! Happy New Year to all of you. Love Grandma
