Wednesday, November 17, 2010

...a resolution...

So it is probably a little early to start talking New Year's resolutions, but I am going to anyway! I have NEVER made a New Year's resolution. But as I get older, I realize that I cannot keep doing some things the same way I did way back when I was 25! :-) So I thought instead of being like "Oh I will quit this or that tomorrow," it would be fun and festive to make a New Year's resolution! So my New Year's resolution.... 

......I am going to stop drinking soda! 

Lame right? Well if you know me well, you know that I live on Coca Cola! It is my ultimate weakness! I do not like coffee or tea so sodas have always been my caffeine kick. I even drink one for breakfast sometimes. I know I know.... that is NUTS. I feel super guilty because I know how bad it can be for you! I refuse to even watch The Doctors because when they mention how bad Coke is for you, I feel GUILTY! 

I am mentioning this now because for the next 45 days of 2010, I am going to drink a soda whenever I want and not feel guilty! If I want one for breakfast, then by golly, my biggest decision that morning is going to be Coke or Dr Pepper!? hehe. If I want to drink a 20oz Coke right before bed, then that is what I will do. However, come January 1, 2011, it has got to stop! 

How did it get this bad? Well... I have always loved my sodas, but when I was pregnant, I refused to drink any caffeine. Therefore, I had to limit the amount I drank. If I did drink a soda, it was a Sprite or Root Beer (something with no caffeine).Well after 10 months of pregnancy (yeah I said it ~ TEN MONTHS) and nursing a little while, I had my first FULL CAFFEINE, FULL CALORIES Coca Cola .... and it was HEAVEN! I went so long without it, that I could not get enough! 

You might be thinking to yourself, "Self, if Katie stops drinking Coke again for a long period of time, and then drinks one again, won't she want it MORE and MORE all over again?" Well let me answer that for you... Yes, yes I will! BUT it cannot possibly get worse than it is now! And by mentioning this here, I am hoping to be held more accountable since I will have my pals "keeping up." 

OK I am done.... going to go get something to drink! :-P


  1. That's so funny.... I drink Coke for breakfast too, but I also drink coffee and tea! AHHHHH!!! It's a wonder I'm not bouncing off the walls. Kevin stopped drinking Coke for New Years 2 years agoa nd he hasn't had a single one so it can be done! Good luck! I'll be checking on you :o)

  2. Hey I can relate! I just stopped drinking soda a months ago. I was a coke-aholic! But, I am so glad that I dont drink it all the time, and when I do have one on occasion, its a nice treat. So I say good luck sister, it will be tough. But, just think about this, you may see a little weight come off just by giving up those sugary bevs. I know I did.
