Friday, November 5, 2010

It is ALL ok!

So I have decided to Blog again! Thank you very much Miranda for blogging again and reminding me how much fun it can be! I think that it is so fun to update my friends and family on the life and times of the Runnels Clan. I mean lets face it.... we are interesting people.....

And we know how to have a good time......

We hang with the rich and famous...... and snoop....

We have even seen Elvis......

And some things..... NEVER change.....

And some things DO change.....

We have been Kangaroos.....

And partied like we were ONE....

And know how to have SOOO MUUUCH FUN....

....or something like that!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, Katie!!! I am SO glad you are back in the blogging world. Thanks so much for the shout-out :o) Your post is so funny and cute.... just like YOU! Can't wait to read your blog :o)

  2. This is just too funny, i hope you write more blogs. I will be looking for them.
