Monday, November 8, 2010

I LIKE it like that!

Since becoming a mom, I have really learned to love the "little things" in life! I am always saying that right? I mean, when you have a sweet girl laughing hysterically at how funny the pillows look when they are stacked on top of each other, how can you not sit back and just ENJOY that? So I find myself simply enjoying and liking other "little" things....... and I thought I would share a few....

I like when I get a parking spot next to the buggy return, I like going for it on 4th down, I like when there is loud music in public restrooms, I like Wal-Marts with fabric departments, I like when you go to get ice out of the freezer and the cubes are not all stuck together, I like when you do not have to read long to find the perfect greeting card, I like when Oprah makes wildest dreams come true, I like when the person ahead of you in the express lane really does have LESS than 10 items, I like that there are yummy snacks out there that are only 100 calories, I like free preview HBO weekends, I like buying newspapers JUST for the ads, I like checking the mail, and I like the way the pillows look when they are stacked on top of each other!! 

Pay attention to your "little things".... 

(this blog was also created in honor of the "like" button on facebook!)

Hilarious..... right?

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