Sometimes I wish I lived in a cartoon. I mean, where else can dinosaurs get loose from a museum and the biggest fear is that they wont be back before the museum opens for the day? Also, where else can a rescue pack turn into a boat or a hang glider? Where else can you find a talking octopus, a talking daisy, and a talking penguin... in the same city? Where freaking else are you going to find talking tools that do the work without you having to lift a finger? It is great stuff people! I WISH I lived in a world that simple! But I don't!
I live in a world where everything is too thought out and over analyzed! I cannot help over analyzing the cartoons I watch with Elleah. I am always wondering where Max and Ruby's parents are... and why Ruby is so bossy! I wonder how old Dora is, because no 4 year old of mine is going to be "exploring" troll bridges and spooky forests (alone) to get to the top of the tallest mountain. Wait... I would not even let her go with a boy scout leader, an EMT, and a marine!.... no way!
Why is it that the octopus can talk, the daisy can talk, the snowman can talk, even the walking tree can talk, but the dog... nothing? Why can't the dog talk for crying out loud? AND... Am I the only one that thinks Tolee is a little... what's the word... whiny (he needs a Diego encourages you to hug Spectacle Bears.... but what if I really did hug one... will it hug me back, or eat me? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is great... but I wonder who built that clubhouse and where I can get one like it. The "handy helper" would be a dream come true!!!!! But Special Agent Oso, he really is not that helpful if you think about it!
I definitely think too much!! But I really really enjoy kicking back and watching cartoons with my baby girl! I especially love that I know ALL the answers to Dora's questions, ALL the right tools that Mickey should use, and I help Diego rescue all those animals! I - AM - AWESOME!! :-)
Sorry! If you do not watch cartoons with your kids, or have no kids... this makes NO sense to you I'm sure! :-)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
...a resolution...
So it is probably a little early to start talking New Year's resolutions, but I am going to anyway! I have NEVER made a New Year's resolution. But as I get older, I realize that I cannot keep doing some things the same way I did way back when I was 25! :-) So I thought instead of being like "Oh I will quit this or that tomorrow," it would be fun and festive to make a New Year's resolution! So my New Year's resolution....
......I am going to stop drinking soda!
Lame right? Well if you know me well, you know that I live on Coca Cola! It is my ultimate weakness! I do not like coffee or tea so sodas have always been my caffeine kick. I even drink one for breakfast sometimes. I know I know.... that is NUTS. I feel super guilty because I know how bad it can be for you! I refuse to even watch The Doctors because when they mention how bad Coke is for you, I feel GUILTY!
I am mentioning this now because for the next 45 days of 2010, I am going to drink a soda whenever I want and not feel guilty! If I want one for breakfast, then by golly, my biggest decision that morning is going to be Coke or Dr Pepper!? hehe. If I want to drink a 20oz Coke right before bed, then that is what I will do. However, come January 1, 2011, it has got to stop!
How did it get this bad? Well... I have always loved my sodas, but when I was pregnant, I refused to drink any caffeine. Therefore, I had to limit the amount I drank. If I did drink a soda, it was a Sprite or Root Beer (something with no caffeine).Well after 10 months of pregnancy (yeah I said it ~ TEN MONTHS) and nursing a little while, I had my first FULL CAFFEINE, FULL CALORIES Coca Cola .... and it was HEAVEN! I went so long without it, that I could not get enough!
You might be thinking to yourself, "Self, if Katie stops drinking Coke again for a long period of time, and then drinks one again, won't she want it MORE and MORE all over again?" Well let me answer that for you... Yes, yes I will! BUT it cannot possibly get worse than it is now! And by mentioning this here, I am hoping to be held more accountable since I will have my pals "keeping up."
OK I am done.... going to go get something to drink! :-P
......I am going to stop drinking soda!
Lame right? Well if you know me well, you know that I live on Coca Cola! It is my ultimate weakness! I do not like coffee or tea so sodas have always been my caffeine kick. I even drink one for breakfast sometimes. I know I know.... that is NUTS. I feel super guilty because I know how bad it can be for you! I refuse to even watch The Doctors because when they mention how bad Coke is for you, I feel GUILTY!
I am mentioning this now because for the next 45 days of 2010, I am going to drink a soda whenever I want and not feel guilty! If I want one for breakfast, then by golly, my biggest decision that morning is going to be Coke or Dr Pepper!? hehe. If I want to drink a 20oz Coke right before bed, then that is what I will do. However, come January 1, 2011, it has got to stop!
How did it get this bad? Well... I have always loved my sodas, but when I was pregnant, I refused to drink any caffeine. Therefore, I had to limit the amount I drank. If I did drink a soda, it was a Sprite or Root Beer (something with no caffeine).Well after 10 months of pregnancy (yeah I said it ~ TEN MONTHS) and nursing a little while, I had my first FULL CAFFEINE, FULL CALORIES Coca Cola .... and it was HEAVEN! I went so long without it, that I could not get enough!
You might be thinking to yourself, "Self, if Katie stops drinking Coke again for a long period of time, and then drinks one again, won't she want it MORE and MORE all over again?" Well let me answer that for you... Yes, yes I will! BUT it cannot possibly get worse than it is now! And by mentioning this here, I am hoping to be held more accountable since I will have my pals "keeping up."
OK I am done.... going to go get something to drink! :-P
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Katie the Creative! lol
I have always loved trying to be creative and working on crafts. Mostly scrapbooks and painting. In fact, I painted all of our Christmas ornaments the first year we were married and we still use them to this day! However, not long after I had Elleah I decided to try my hand at sewing! Turns out, I am not too bad at it (If I do say so myself). Either that, or I am blinded by love ~ because I LOVE to sew. Who knew, right?? I started sewing because I wanted Elleah to have something special to wear to cheer for her Uncle Mike on Sundays. So I made this.....

Just thought I would share....
PS~ I spent more time trying to get these pics STRAIGHT on this page (my ocd was kicking in) than necessary...... and they are still all funky!! Makes me crazy!!! lol... literally!
I have since gotten better and have really been enjoying myself. I set up a room in my house with a special area just for me! TJ bought me an embroidery machine (awesome hubby right?) and now... you can barely get me out of that room! Aside from dresses, I have made bows, tutus, pillows, blankets, slippers, robes, cloth napkins, and have been embroidering everything from onesies to towels. Here are pics of just a few of them......

Just thought I would share....
PS~ I spent more time trying to get these pics STRAIGHT on this page (my ocd was kicking in) than necessary...... and they are still all funky!! Makes me crazy!!! lol... literally!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I LIKE it like that!
Since becoming a mom, I have really learned to love the "little things" in life! I am always saying that right? I mean, when you have a sweet girl laughing hysterically at how funny the pillows look when they are stacked on top of each other, how can you not sit back and just ENJOY that? So I find myself simply enjoying and liking other "little" things....... and I thought I would share a few....
I like when I get a parking spot next to the buggy return, I like going for it on 4th down, I like when there is loud music in public restrooms, I like Wal-Marts with fabric departments, I like when you go to get ice out of the freezer and the cubes are not all stuck together, I like when you do not have to read long to find the perfect greeting card, I like when Oprah makes wildest dreams come true, I like when the person ahead of you in the express lane really does have LESS than 10 items, I like that there are yummy snacks out there that are only 100 calories, I like free preview HBO weekends, I like buying newspapers JUST for the ads, I like checking the mail, and I like the way the pillows look when they are stacked on top of each other!!
Pay attention to your "little things"....
(this blog was also created in honor of the "like" button on facebook!)
I like when I get a parking spot next to the buggy return, I like going for it on 4th down, I like when there is loud music in public restrooms, I like Wal-Marts with fabric departments, I like when you go to get ice out of the freezer and the cubes are not all stuck together, I like when you do not have to read long to find the perfect greeting card, I like when Oprah makes wildest dreams come true, I like when the person ahead of you in the express lane really does have LESS than 10 items, I like that there are yummy snacks out there that are only 100 calories, I like free preview HBO weekends, I like buying newspapers JUST for the ads, I like checking the mail, and I like the way the pillows look when they are stacked on top of each other!!
Pay attention to your "little things"....
(this blog was also created in honor of the "like" button on facebook!)
Hilarious..... right? |
Friday, November 5, 2010
It is ALL ok!
So I have decided to Blog again! Thank you very much Miranda for blogging again and reminding me how much fun it can be! I think that it is so fun to update my friends and family on the life and times of the Runnels Clan. I mean lets face it.... we are interesting people.....
And we know how to have a good time......
We hang with the rich and famous...... and snoop....
We have even seen Elvis......
And some things..... NEVER change.....
And some things DO change.....
We have been Kangaroos.....
And partied like we were ONE....
And know how to have SOOO MUUUCH FUN....
....or something like that!!!!
And we know how to have a good time......
We hang with the rich and famous...... and snoop....
We have even seen Elvis......
And some things..... NEVER change.....
And partied like we were ONE....
And know how to have SOOO MUUUCH FUN....
....or something like that!!!!
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