Thursday, November 3, 2011

Did you say, Ghost? *Zoinks*

As I have mentioned before... I Don't Do Scary!! Halloween has never been my favorite event and I pretty much down right hated it. However, like most things in my life, that ALL changed when I had Elleah. And this year was by FAR the best!! She is at the age where she really gets into it all and seeing her so into everything has totally sucked me in. We decided that this year, we would attend Trunk or Treat on the base here in Kings Bay. Basically, a bunch of cars line up around this block and kids in their costumes go from car to car "trick or treating." Elleah dressed up as an Angel/Devil. I think this costume is the epitome of what being TWO is all about. haha.
The trunk or treat block!

Devil and Angel
The next weekend, we went to the zoo in Jacksonville for Spooktacular. It is an adorable presentation of mixing the festivities of Halloween with the animals at the zoo. You follow the path lined with thousands of carved pumpkins and "trick or treat" at stations along the way. There are also Scare Zones where if you are 12 and up, you can go get spooked. No Thanks!! haha. But after telling me the first one was not so bad, I entered the 2nd one with my friend Katey. I literally walked about 10 ft in and when the first "monster" jumped out at me through the fog, I turned around and started to walk out. Katey and I had our arms looped and she dragged me back in. "Strategy thinking" kicked in and I decided to stay on these other people's heels in front of us because as long as they were ahead, nothing spooky could jump out without scaring them first, so I was more prepared! :-) Since I am typing this now, you know I made it out alive, but it was a close call and I will probably never attempt such pish posh again! LOL.

Some of the MANY MANY pumpkins!
The Saturday night before Halloween, TJ was out hunting and it was Elleah and I doing our thing. Which would have been fine if Elleah did not tell me she wanted me to play with her and her ghost!!!! In the spirit of Halloween??? Big imagination??? I don't know! But I know that I do not care to play with a ghost! A few hours later, while she was watching TV, she lifted her head up said "Hi Ghost" real quick and laid her head back down. I don't dig that kinda stuff! lol. So I came up with a great solution.... We built a tent. Naturally! Two blankets, three dining room chairs, and one piece of duck tape and WA-LA... ghost protection! You might be saying, "Katie, why not just put Elleah's little tent up in the living room?" Well, because one, I would not fit in it and two, where is the fun in that? So we made snacks and piled in there and watched Charlie Brown's Halloween special. It was a fun girls' night..... except for the ghost thwarting, of course!
Waiting for me to join her in the "tent"

Halloween FINALLY came and with all the practice Elleah had, she was a pro at trick or treating! Well, besides the fact that she does not talk to people she don't know, so she did not say trick or treat. She just walked up, waited for me to ring the bell, stuck her bucket up and got the candy, and turned and went running to the next house. She made it all the way around our block with her friends (Lily and Dylan) and filled her bucket to the top!! She dressed as a clown (another good costume for her personality, lol) and wore every piece of it the entire time! I was thinking that at some point, her wrist cuffs were comin off!! But nope, she stayed in tack!! :-)
Dylan as Bam Bam
Lily the Owl

I just think each year will keep getting better and better!! So, I guess Halloween isn't so bad! As long as the ghosts and monsters stay away.......

Next year I will call Scooby and the gang to help me out though! :-)

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