Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Story Time: I don't do Spooky!!

It is time to tell a story that needs to be told. I have told this story to several people, and you may be one of those people. But I am going to tell it again because last night I had a dream about it. I was laughing to myself remember the details of what was going through my mind the night I thought my brother's house was haunted!!!!!

So let me set the scene... my brother was moving into his new house this particular weekend. It is a "3" story house with a basement, a main floor, and a top floor. The basement has a back door that leads out on to a patio, above the patio is a deck that leads into the kitchen of the main floor. On the main floor there is one bedroom, the other three bedrooms, including the master bedroom, are on the top floor. Ok, now that I have the details out of the way, here we go....

Elleah and I, along with my mom and dad, had traveled up to Atlanta to help Mike and Teal out with the house. The first night there, mom and dad took Elleah upstairs with them to go to bed. Mom likes having Elleah close whenever she gets a chance to be around her. Mike, Teal, and I stayed up until almost 1am just talking and laughing. When we finally decided to go to bed, I went in the only bedroom on the main floor. I chose this room so that I did not have to carry my luggage up the stairs....lol.... stupid stupid stuuupid! So there I was, the only person on the main floor, trying to get to sleep on my air mattress (since no furniture had been moved in yet) and thats when I heard it... a loud alarm. I did not know what it was, but I DID know that I was NOT going out there alone to see what it was. I texted my brother (yes, I TEXTED him, it is how we roll) and told him I heard an alarm. He said he would come down, so I cracked my door until I saw him coming down the stairs. Teal was scrunched up behind him (like any other girl with a 6'6 boyfriend would do). I got in behind him too (like any other girl with a 6'6 brother would do) and Teal and I reluctantly followed him to where we heard the noise coming from.... the BASEMENT. I started thanking God that I do not watch scary movies, cause then all kinds of scenarios would have been playing in my head. Anywho, We looked down the stairwell toward the basement door and it was OPEN. When we got down there, we saw that the door that leads from the basement to the patio was OPEN!! AAHHH. At this point, even Mike was freaking out a bit. He walked all over the basement (the basement is unfinished) with a flashlight looking for a boogie man (if you know Mike, this is extra hilarious)! It dawned on me that Mike was using that flashlight before we even got into the basement, why did we not just turn on the lights in the living room ? Anywho... it also dawned on me that the alarm to the house had NOT BEEN ACTIVATED YET!!!!! wth? So after a full basement investigation (and let me tell you.... it was a full CSI investigation.. looking for footprints and stuff), we all returned to the main floor where Teal had Mike check all the closets, bathrooms, and pantries for anything spooky! With nothing found, we all returned to bed.

So here I am, laying down, with my eyes wide open listening for any sound that might indicate that I might not be, ya know, "ALONE"! You all know that feeling!! Right then, my phone, that was laying on my air mattress next to me, vibrated. I swear I came two feet off that bed (how you are picturing it, that is probably what it really did look like).When I realized it was my phone, I saw that it was a text message from Teal. She told me to come upstairs and sleep in their room. She was just as scared for me as I was... being all alone down there. So I made a run for it...  and I mean I RAN up those stairs. Teal was at the top waiting on me and we bolted into the bedroom, Mike was pretty much back to sleep on his little pallet. I made a pallet on the other side of the room, grabbed a dog (I believe it was Levi) and tried going back to sleep. 

It was not 15 minutes later when Teal and I heared foot steps. We thought we heard the stairs cracking and doors opening. Just then, the lights outside the window flipped on and then off again and Teal and I shot up and stared at each other. We tried getting Mike up again, but being Mike, he was not getting up again. After pondering our options, Teal and I decided we were going out there ourselves (with both dogs and "weapons"). As soon as we opened the door, we AGAIN came unglued because there was someone standing in the hallway!!! It was my MOM AND DAD... and Elleah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha. 

So here is what happened. The noise, the door, the basement... that was all legit. But after I moved into Mike's room, mom woke up with Elleah and had brought her down to me. I was not there in my room of course. So she went and got my dad and they started  a manhunt in search for Katie. They even looked outside (which is why that light came on and then off). At one point, they considered that I might have gone AWOL!! lol. They did not think in a million years that Mike, Teal, Levi, Major, and myself had all piled up in one room to try and ward off the ghosts! We all sat in Mike's room... its like 4am by now... and told the story to mom and dad. Elleah ended up staying up the rest of the night. Which is just as well because I was NOT trying to sleep. I spent the next couple of nights in Mike and Teal's room, then I bravely went back to my own room on the main floor.

That is the memory I have of my first meeting with that house. In my trips since, I have slept UPSTAIRS. Why risk it, right? ;-) And an update - no further instances like this have happened since!! 

PS- Elleah has never ever again been given Tea or any other caffeinated drink past 4pm. Mom gave her a ton of tea at dinner that night and we are pretty sure that is the reason she did not want to sleep.

PSS- The first night I was back downstairs alone, another alarm went off. It was the refrigerator alarm!!!!!! Geez. 

PSSS- We found the light switch in the basement. It WORKS. Place lights up like "Shea Stadium" as Mike was quoted saying!!! hahaha.  

PSSSS- I love those two crazy kids and I really miss them! I would love to go and see them soon.... even with their haunted house! lol ;-)

PSSSSS- Nothing really... just wanted to get a PSSSSS in there! :-)

I do believe in ghosts, but I am seriously not trying to personally meet one!!! 

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