Wednesday, February 16, 2011


SOOOO, about three weeks ago, Elleah came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth and sat on her little potty. Diaper on. We have not really tried getting her potty trained yet, we thought we would wait until she was closer to two or when we could tell she was ready, so I did nothing!! THEN she stood up and started patting the big potty and yelling "potty potty potty." TJ took her diaper off and put her on the big potty and guess what ??? *tinkle tinkle tinkle*!!!!!!!!!!!!! We thought, oh my geez..... she must be READY!!! So we have been trying to sit her on the potty as often as we could. She does not really like her small potty! So we just help her sit on the big potty!! Note to self: Katie, you need to go get a small potty for the top of the big potty. Anywho..... with the unexpected trip to Texas, her morning school, and TJ's trip to Washington, it has been hard to stay diligent with this. She told me again "momma potty potty." But when I took her to the bathroom, she had ALREADY gone potty (#2). lol. So I moved her little potty into the livingroom. We were wasting too much time trying to get to the bathroom in time.... haha. However, like I said before, she prefers the big potty. So we are kind of having to start over. Which I guess is ok since we never really meant to START at all in the first place. I let her go with no pants or diaper tonight and she definitely sat down to potty..... her AIM however... was a little OFF.....

So we will keep working....... and see what happens! We are definitely in no rush.... her interest in the potty was SO unexpected!! Pray for us! hehe. 

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