Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I cooooooooo"

So it has been a very interesting two weeks since my last post! TJ left for a week to Bangor, Washington and then right after he landed back in Jacksonville, we got about 4 hours of sleep and started our unexpected and unplanned drive to Texas. TJ's dad found out he was going to need quadruple bypass surgery so of course we went as fast as we could. Elleah spent that week with my parents and TJ and I kept on driving to Texas. We got to the hospital at about 11:30pm, he had been in surgery for about 5 hours at this point. Finally at about 2:45am, he gets out of surgery! Everything had gone ok and we all breathed a sigh of relief. This procedure is done everyday, I get that, but what a scary scary scary experience when it is someone you love. We stayed in Texas until he was able to come home which was about 5 days after the procedure! Crazy right!? But he is doing SO good.

In other news, I had such a crazy dream the other night. It is definitely worth sharing. Ok so in my dream, I was wandering around Hobby Lobby and checking things out, when Oprah walks in. She starts yelling "Everybody gets a Hobby Lobby - you get a Hobby Lobby, you get a Hobby Lobby, everybody gets a Hobby Lobby." hahaha I was so sad when I woke up from that dream. I was like "Dang - so...I don't get a Hobby Lobby?!" Bummer! It was hilarious though! 

Elleah, Elleah, Elleah...... the girl knows way too much. I thought I would share a few of her new sayings - 
"OO go gi i" - translation "You go get it"
"OO weddy?" - translation "you ready?"
"I Coo" - translation "I cute"
"I gi oo" - translation "I'm gonna get you"
"he I am" - translation "here I am"
"Joosh" - translation "juice"
"EE-YA" translation "Elleah"
I will be posting "elleah's antics pt 2" soon... girl has quite the personality. 
Oh yes, I must mention that she has a new look. Its that head down, eyes up kinda look. I call it the "oh no you di'nt" look. 

OK that is all I have got for now. I have been super busy and must get back to it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Katie! I guess I'm not too surprised but that is GREAT vocabulary for her age! She is such a smarty!!!! And a looker too ;o)
