Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quirky Katie

Somebody (quite a few people actually) once mentioned that my blogs are funny. I intend for them to be READABLE for sure, but the funny comes from my thought process. When I started blogging again, I told myself that I would write my blogs the same way I THINK and not try to edit them to make more sense. I think in short sentences. Sometimes it comes across as 'lists'. Sometimes, I do not even finish a thought before I move on to another topic. I speak this way too! Anyone who has EVER had a 3 minute convo with me before knows that I can be in MID SENTENCE, change to another story, and then reroute back to my original story. I confuse so many people. I am not sure why I do this.... maybe they are blonde moments, maybe I have too much on my mind, or maybe I am just flat out weird. I am going with answer C. ;-) 

Another quirky thing about me: I use the words AND, UM, and LIKE too much. I even use them together. Example, "I was at the store and um like, they were selling bananas." Swear I do this. I try to catch myself but it still comes out. I'm odd, I know.  

Anybody ever notice how I use '........' too much!? I use '...........' when I need to think for a sec or when I pause because I have a brain toot. In fact, I prefer '........' over commas and hyphens. When I am typing, I am not sure why I need to '........' things in order to think for a sec, its not like the person reading KNOWS that I needed to think for a sec. Ah Katie, you are strange. 

Not weird enough for ya yet? I count.... like EVERYTHING! (notice how I used like right there) I count sections of sidewalk, cabinets, light posts on bridges, train cars when I sit at a train, and anything else you may think of, I count it!!! Chances are, if there is more than 4 of something, I have counted them.

PS~I cannot be the only person that still uses air quotes can I? I use them. All the time. I kinda use them like it is my JOB! I could get paid to use air quotes, I would BANK

PSS~I love saying PS too. ;-)

Side Story:
I have also been asked why my blog is named Katie.... or Something Like That?! Well, that is because when I first made this blog a few years back, I filled in the section that said Name, and I put Katie. What I did not realize until later was this it did not want MY name but the name of my blog (blondeness, dont judge me). So when I came BACK to my blog a little while ago, I needed to rename it so I did not look like a ree ree. But I couldn't think of anything so I was like "well, I can keep it 'Katie' for now.... or something like that, whatever." Well, then I laughed and thought to myself "Katie....or something like that! Yeah that is pretty much ME" hahaha. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


SOOOO, about three weeks ago, Elleah came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth and sat on her little potty. Diaper on. We have not really tried getting her potty trained yet, we thought we would wait until she was closer to two or when we could tell she was ready, so I did nothing!! THEN she stood up and started patting the big potty and yelling "potty potty potty." TJ took her diaper off and put her on the big potty and guess what ??? *tinkle tinkle tinkle*!!!!!!!!!!!!! We thought, oh my geez..... she must be READY!!! So we have been trying to sit her on the potty as often as we could. She does not really like her small potty! So we just help her sit on the big potty!! Note to self: Katie, you need to go get a small potty for the top of the big potty. Anywho..... with the unexpected trip to Texas, her morning school, and TJ's trip to Washington, it has been hard to stay diligent with this. She told me again "momma potty potty." But when I took her to the bathroom, she had ALREADY gone potty (#2). lol. So I moved her little potty into the livingroom. We were wasting too much time trying to get to the bathroom in time.... haha. However, like I said before, she prefers the big potty. So we are kind of having to start over. Which I guess is ok since we never really meant to START at all in the first place. I let her go with no pants or diaper tonight and she definitely sat down to potty..... her AIM however... was a little OFF.....

So we will keep working....... and see what happens! We are definitely in no rush.... her interest in the potty was SO unexpected!! Pray for us! hehe. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I cooooooooo"

So it has been a very interesting two weeks since my last post! TJ left for a week to Bangor, Washington and then right after he landed back in Jacksonville, we got about 4 hours of sleep and started our unexpected and unplanned drive to Texas. TJ's dad found out he was going to need quadruple bypass surgery so of course we went as fast as we could. Elleah spent that week with my parents and TJ and I kept on driving to Texas. We got to the hospital at about 11:30pm, he had been in surgery for about 5 hours at this point. Finally at about 2:45am, he gets out of surgery! Everything had gone ok and we all breathed a sigh of relief. This procedure is done everyday, I get that, but what a scary scary scary experience when it is someone you love. We stayed in Texas until he was able to come home which was about 5 days after the procedure! Crazy right!? But he is doing SO good.

In other news, I had such a crazy dream the other night. It is definitely worth sharing. Ok so in my dream, I was wandering around Hobby Lobby and checking things out, when Oprah walks in. She starts yelling "Everybody gets a Hobby Lobby - you get a Hobby Lobby, you get a Hobby Lobby, everybody gets a Hobby Lobby." hahaha I was so sad when I woke up from that dream. I was like "Dang - so...I don't get a Hobby Lobby?!" Bummer! It was hilarious though! 

Elleah, Elleah, Elleah...... the girl knows way too much. I thought I would share a few of her new sayings - 
"OO go gi i" - translation "You go get it"
"OO weddy?" - translation "you ready?"
"I Coo" - translation "I cute"
"I gi oo" - translation "I'm gonna get you"
"he I am" - translation "here I am"
"Joosh" - translation "juice"
"EE-YA" translation "Elleah"
I will be posting "elleah's antics pt 2" soon... girl has quite the personality. 
Oh yes, I must mention that she has a new look. Its that head down, eyes up kinda look. I call it the "oh no you di'nt" look. 

OK that is all I have got for now. I have been super busy and must get back to it. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's Time to Confess!!

So I have a confession to make.... a lot of you know this already. Some of you know a little bit about the subject, and others know just how serious this really is/was. I used to be obsessed with... Chipper Jones! That's right, I said it!!!!!!! I know that most of you know the basics - I am a huge Atlanta Braves fan and my favorite player is Chipper Jones. But this man used to be 23, and HOT, and talented, and I used to swear he could walk on water. He is now 38 years old and while I still think I would leave my husband for him, I am no where near as crazy as I used to be. I just thought I would share a blast from the past with my pals. 

The year was 1995. It all started in 5th grade, when someone in the Longleaf Elementary school cafeteria showed me a baseball card of David Justice, right fielder for the Atlanta Braves. I then went home and noticed that there was a Braves game on TBS, so I looked for David Justice. Found him. It was the greatest thing to put two and two together. And then it happened. A pop fly on the infield and the third baseman and the pitcher were going for it. They then ran into each other, missed the catch, and both fell on their butts. After the pitcher gave the third baseman a tongue lashing, they put a close up of the third baseman - Chipper Jones, rookie - and I was IN LOVE. 

Yeah, I was in 5th grade. But the Braves won the World Series that year, hooking me in even further. This did not last a year, or even two years, this lasted up until the time I realized this could affect my real life "boyfriend/girlfriend" situation. LOL. I kept handwritten stats, pictures, baseball cards, news articles, tshirts, receipts from the tshirts, "love" books that I made myself, I even cut words out of magazines that REMINDED me of Chipper and the Braves. I kept peanuts off a Delta plane (Braves charter Delta and I thought "he has bound to have these same peanuts before." When games were on, I refused to go shopping or out to dinner with my parents. I literally cried when we went on vacation because I knew I would miss games. When TBS did not have the game on, I would listen to it on the radio. I KNEW every detail of Chipper's life and I shared the knowledge with my family. I was sick I tell you, SICK! Like with a fever maybe. My parents took us to a game and at that point in my life, I imagined THAT was what heaven was like. 

Eventually I knew it was time to give it up a bit. I remember crying when I started to realize I needed to back off a bit. I eventually stopped watching EVERY GAME, although I did keep up and made sure they won. I started to show more interest in guys my age and in my same city.... lol. I was in high school and it was time to let it go a little bit and be a part of things in high school. I have never ever stopped loving the Braves though, or Chipper. Never have! I am still a huge fan. I am still going to cry when he retires. It still hurts when the Braves lose. Some things... well... they never change. I am super excited about baseball season starting soon. And I am sooo excited that I married a man that can "play along" and watches all the games with me. He really gets into it and is ready to go to some games this year. 

I thought I would share this story because at times, it is a story I try to deny. It is kinda embarrassing to think about how freakin wrapped up I was with this craziness. And no matter what TJ says, I am not even close to being as bad as I was (he did not know me then). My parents and brother can vouch for that. With baseball season looming, and me keeping a blog, I might as well give this story up, that way everybody knows where I am coming from when I post things. 

PS- Chipper was on the sidelines of a couple of Falcons games this year (Ravens and Saints). My brother said he thought about talking to him, but he had his family there with him and did not know what to say to him since he knew so much about him. He weirded out his pals because of how much he knew about Chipper. lmbo!!!! Mission Accomplished! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Close the bathroom door.....

My my my my my.... how things change. I remember being in 11th grade Chemistry class - Ms Flummerfelt's class as I recall - and everyday, from where I sat, I saw this sign that said "What is Zinc? It is what you do when you can't Zwim!!" haha. And while that quote has NOTHING to do with this post, I thought I would throw that out there. Now I do remember sitting in that class, totally not paying attention (because who needs Chemistry?! ;-)) and thinking of things I would and would not do when I got older. Silly to think about some things when you are that young, since ya know, most of them change by the time you are 27 anyway. For instance, I once sat in Chemistry and thought I will never marry a guy in the military - what a mess that would be. I also thought I am never having kids - who wants to have to deal with lack of sleep and baby poo? I have also learned about a lot of stuff that I never thought I would have to even think about....

I have learned that the very deep south of Texas is FREAKING hot and that while this GA/FL weather may seem hot at times, I thank God that I no longer have to deal with DST heat!! I have also learned that dishwashers are essential to a happy/healthy life. I have learned not to wash clothes and then leave them in the washing machine too long (who knew). I have learned that being able to drive is not as much fun as I thought it would be when I was 15. I have learned not to leave the AC on 60 degrees - that bill at the end of the month is NOT ok. I learned that Mom and Dad were actually mostly right, but do NOT tell them I said this.

More than anything, Elleah has taught me so much. More than ANY teacher or parent could possible teach someone. Having her taught me that there are times when it is ok to say YES to drugs. Also, that I should always leave the bathroom doors closed (for more than one reason). She has taught me how to play 98 toothpick pick-up. Fun time but don't recommend it. She taught me that between the couch cushions is an excellent place to hide things..... I now stash all my fine jewelry and spare cash in there. She taught me that if there is anything I do not like, I can feed it to the dogs, they will eat it. She has taught me that being clean is not everything, its ok to be covered in dirt, food, and snot - apparently. She taught me how to get crayon off the wall..... baby food jars out of the toilet..... and dried jello out of Gracie's fur!! I've learned all about true, unconditional love. She has taught me to never let her play with anything in the store that I am not prepared to buy. I can go on and on...

I just think it is funny that when you are 16-17 years old, you think a certain way and think things ARE a certain way. Wow, I never thought things would change so much. HAHAHA. It cracks me up! When I was younger, all I wanted to do was grow up. Now that I am getting older.... all I want to do be a 6 year old kid again. But I want to be a kid again with the knowledge I have now - Oh and with a 1 year old.... haha... don't judge me.... I love that girl!! 

Close the freakin bathroom door Katie...geeeez