Monday, August 22, 2011

Elleah, you are the greatest! (Elleah's Antics Pt 2)

I am always saying that spending one day with Elleah will give anybody enough material to write a bestseller. Or at least a pretty entertaining blog post. Seems like the last 3-4 months has been a whirlwind of entertainment for the Runnels' household. Here are a few of my favorite instances:

  • We were dog-sitting for a week to a dog named Sprite. Well Sprite got out of the fence quite a bit and we had to chase her down. One time, she got out while Elleah and I were napping--for 3 hours!!! We hopped in the car and when scouring the neighborhood. I had the windows down in the car and from the backseat, Elleah starts yelling "Spriiiiite, where you? Spriiiiiite." I though it was adorable so I told her to keep it up. Then she starts shaking her cup towards the window and saying "Spriiiite, chocky juice...." trying to lure Sprite back with her with Chocolate Milk!! HAHA. PS-the lure of chocolate milk did not work, BUT we did find Sprite safe and sound. 
  • She is seriously into singing. She has recently found the spare plunger (yeah I said it... our spare TOILET plunger) from the bathroom closet. She carried it into the livingroom, set it on her lap tray, and started to sing into the handle like it is her microphone stand. She then puts it in our face saying, "You want some?" No Elleah, I do not want a toilet plunger near my mouth. And try to take it from her and it is ON! PS-We got her an actual microphone and stand for her birthday and it has replaced the plunger for now! 
  • We have been teaching Elleah to say please and thank you. She is great at this actually. Maybe a little TOO great though. When I tell her to do certain things such as pick up her crayons or go get in her bed, she says "Please No mommy, please" OR "Please stop mommy, please"! Haha what do you do about that? She is saying it like you want her to & you do not want her to think that saying please does not work. She also says thank you about everything... I lift her onto the potty "thank you mommy", I wash behind her ears "thank you mommy", I let her out of time out "thank you mommy", and even when I change her pull-up (if necessary) "thank you mommy". This is not a bad thing, just super funny that she says thank you about EVERYTHING! Gotta love her!
  • She used an old cellphone and dialed 911 the other day. That was fun. 
  • She gets me up every morning by climbing on top of me and saying "moooooommy, I want eeeeeeat" LOL
  • She gets OBSESSIVE over certain people. Out of the blue she dials in on a certain person and will not stop saying that she wants them. For Example, Mike's first day of football camp, the first day in MONTHS that we can NOT call him up any time and she wants MIKE. And that is all she says ALL DAY "I want Un miiiiiiiike." 
  • When Gracie barks, she yells "hush Gracie" and puts her finger to her lips. LOL
  • She says "oooooo ooooooh." It is kind of hard to type how it actually sounds, but it is when she is excited. It kind of sounds like something Oprah would say. haha. She also says "Oh boy" and "Oh YAY." 
  • While in a restaurant one time, she saw a big, tall guy come in. Kinda looked like her Un Mike, but he was black. So instead of yelling "Miiiiiike" she yells "Chocky Mike"!!!! Kinda freaking hilarious and as far as I know, her noticing the difference in her milf and chocolate milk is what prompted this same distinction! PS-the only thing better than a Mike to her is a chocolate Mike... but then again, who wouldn't love that?! 
  • She stops dead in her tracks to yell "Yay, Home Runny" every time the crowd on TV gets excited during a game. They are ALL home runs to her. Awesome!
  • When we tell her it is time for bed, she says "I play morrow?" Yes baby, your ONLY worry in this life is whether you get to play tomorrow.... and I intend to keep it that way for a while!! 
  • She thinks she is a big girl when she says "I'm gonna go outside, k?, bye". 
  • She has begun answering Dora's questions. When Dora waits too long (you know that pause that Dora does?) she yells the answer to her again in a frustrated manner!! hahaha
  • When she toots, I say "Did you just toot?" and she laughs HYSTERICALLY!! Then does it again, on purpose! She is the only girl I know that can stand there and toot on demand!! (she will read this when she is 16 and just LOVE me..haha)
  • She kisses MY bobo's. Love her! 
  • She told me she had a bobo and this when I asked her where, she turned around and pointed to her butt and told me to kiss it. I know to her it was an innocent bobo that needed a kiss... but I could not help but laugh at the thought of her telling me to kiss her butt. One day that will not be so funny! 

As I am sitting her typing this, I realize that I could be sitter here forever typing up all her little things! Maybe I am the only one that finds them funny, but watching her little personality develop is soooo adorable and fun!!! I guess this is a good idea of who she is, so I will leave it here!!

Telling her to "smile"...

Telling her to give me a "funny face"....

This is what she decided to do with the BOX one of her birthday presents came in! hahaha 



  1. OMG, these are hilarious and a lot are familiar to me! But I have to say my favorite is Chocky Mike!! I almost peed my pants on that one!

  2. HAHA yeah and the fact that I typoed milk with milf added to the story... haha!(tj caught that last night and was like.... "ummmm katie, you are retarded.")
