Thursday, April 26, 2012

50 Shades of Red!!

I love to read! I love reading a good book almost as much as I love watching a good ball game!!! I usually stick to emotional romances, mystery, thrillers, or a combination of these. Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Jodi Picoult, Janet Evanovich to name a small few.... !! I steer clear of sci-fi, futuristic, or horror/scary! My only exception was the Twilight series which became my FAVORITE books for a long time....... Until a few weeks ago.....

A friend of mine asked me if I was gonna read "50 Shades of Grey," - it had just become a best seller so I'm sure I eventually would have heard of it and read it. But after she brought it to my attention, I looked it up and gave it a go!! I was warned that it was quite racy and.... *ahem*... Explicit, but the description on the book gave me absolutely NO indication of what I was getting myself in to!!! I will say this much, if you can't handle a detailed and explicit description of, um, adult activities.... DO NOT READ this book!! This book is being dubbed "mommy porn," and I can see why, sorta (not sure its "mommyish though").

With that being said, I was 10 chapters in, completely inthralled by the story by the time I looked up and said out loud to myself "what the heck????" I swear I turned every bit of 50 shades of red with my mouth hung open while I continued to read! However, as explicit as it was, the story behind it and the big question of WHY? hung over my head. It is graphic, but with the story line, there really is no other way the author could have approached it..... Each "scene" shows a tad bit more into the WHY?! And trying to answer that is what makes this book MY NEW FAVORITE!!!

I read all three books in two weeks! I could have finished quicker but between each book I felt compelled to "take a break" from wrapping my head around this feeling of WHOAness (it's a word, google it lol)! Now that the story is over for me, and I have read all three books, I GET it!! The actual story line is compelling!!! It reaches out to those of us that loved Twilight but who also needed a more adult approach! Twilight was based on high schoolers, teens, and was geared towards attracting that same crowd. This book is geared towards ADULTS who do not mind stepping out of their comfort zone for the sake of a good story! I am so glad I kept reading......

I laugh at myself because when I get into a book, I talk about it 24/7. Not just this book, any book! I need to join a book club! Poor hubby gets the details and opinions of all the books I'm reading and he really really just don't care! Haha!

For those of you that HAVE read it- I googled "50 Shades of Grey" and guess what? It's BIG!! Movie is in the works and people are posting all over how wrapped up they are in this series and reading it again and again! I couldn't help laughing at how you know you've been reading too much "50 Shades!" You know, when you find yourself thinking or doing things from the book that you normally wouldn't do!? Here's my list:
1) You start calling your husband by his surname. Mr. -- ! Just as Ana does with Christian!
2) You smile every time you see an Audi.
3) You start using words you never have before, such as mercurial and beguiled.
4) Instead of saying "Bye", you now say "Laters, baby."
5) You could really use a glass of Bollinger and have no problem using a tea cup.
6) Vanilla is your new favorite flavor of ice cream.
7) You consider yourself every time you roll your eyes!
8) You have a new appreciation for kindles, iPads, nooks, and any other discrete source of book purchasing!
9) You finally realize what Rihanna meant in that one song! ;)
10) You feel compelled to buy your husband a silver tie!
11) ----you google 50 Shades of Grey and skip anything having to do with the actual color GREY------ (me) lol

Misconception---- Even though this book is basically one big porn, it does NOT get you all hot and bothered!!!!! Well, I'm sure it does for some!!! But it's a story about a man with some deep issues and the effect this woman has on him and his issues.... It's a STORY.... And moving along to learn more about the story is what keeps you going.... NOT all the sex.. It's just part of this story..... BUT seriously don't read it if you can't handle explicit stuff! lol
The Bad news--- I always wanted to name my son Christian and now I am not sure I can do that to my baby boy! That name will always be synonymous with this book! Oh well! lol

HILARIOUS!!.... don't watch it if you get offended easily!

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome Katie! I ordered my books the other day on Amazon, lol!
