Thursday, July 28, 2011

Parenting like.... Pinocchio!!

I was reading a 'mommy' forum on facebook the other day and this question was asked: 
What lies do you tell your kids?

More than one person said that they did not lie to their children. Oh... that is SO noble!! But it is bull honky! We all lie to our kids. No, we do not tell them lies like, "Mommy weighs 105lbs" and "Mommy never had sex before marriage." That is just silly. ;-) But we totally lie to our kids. I could not even answer that question because the asker was like, "One answer please." And I was like.... No Way. I cannot give you ONE answer.... I tell Elleah so many lies that I could blog about it. So here I am....

First of all, I lie to Elleah when she wants to wear something like a coat to the park on a 100 degree day. She does not care if it is too hot, so I tell her it is dirty. She grasps that concept of it being dirty, so I just lie. :-) 

She thinks cereal is cookies. So if you are ever around her and she asks for cookies, she is not trying to tell you to go whip up some oatmeal-chocolate chips. She is tell you to pour her a bowl of cheerios. And I did not technically teach her this.... but I lie by omission because I never tell her that cereal is not cookies. To me, it is quite ok if she thinks this. 

If we are in the car and I cannot fathom listening to the same episode of Dora or Blue Clue's again, I lie and tell her the DVD player broke. She just goes, "Broke? Oh. Ok." She is happy, I am happy.... its all good. 

I tell her that my cola is icky. It is NOT icky. lol. (see my old post about cola here - and for those of you following along, the answer is NO, I did not stick to this resolution, I suck, oh well). But when Elleah says, "I want mommy's juice." I lie and tell her it is icky. 

Lets not even get me started on Santa and the Easter bunny.... (a perfectly safe lie that helps create wonder and excitement)

Lying to our kids is ok. Small fibs will not emotionally damage kids.  We are not distorting their future and eroding their reality!!! We lie to them to encourage them to try new things, to NOT do certain questionable things, and to minimize a BIG explanation that they will not understand into a smaller one that they can comprehend. So imo, those mommies that said they do not lie to their kids.... they were probably LYING. haha. 

As Elleah grows and learns, the lies will fade away.... BUT I kinda can't wait until I get to use the ol' "eyes in the back of my head" lie, the "store ran out of toys" lie, and the "it is bed time" lie (a lie because it would be after i secretly set all the clocks back an hour). 

PS-I am 74.7% sure my mom still tells me lies like these. Harmless, but sometimes necessary! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Party In the City Where the Heat is On

So, if your husband had a 'conference' for work in MIAMI, where most of the expenses were paid, and your daughter was with her grandparents for the week..... What would you do? You would go to Miami, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! As did I. We decided to drive down and take our time. We stopped at outlet strips along the way, took A1A through our old haunts of Cocoa Beach, and made it to Miami in plenty of time to have a great first night!!

My cousin Nate lives in Miami, so naturally, I called him up. He scooped us up at the hotel and took us to the Clevelander in South Beach for a drink!!!
Mojitos, anyone? 

After our Mojitos, we moseyed on down (wait, is moseyed a word?) to a place Nate suggested called Mangos Tropical Cafe. And I know what you are thinking... Oh a cafe... it must have bagel sandwiches and coffee and spiced tea and such. And maybe it did.... but I sure the heck didn't noticed. I had an awesome Cubano for dinner on the patio and after dinner.... I walked inside to this------

And THEN I get lead to a special seat at the bar that had THIS waiting on us----

We had such a great time!!!!!!! It was Latin Night and the girls did salsa and belly dances, and then.... the GUYS came up. There was a little something for everyone. They even did a Tribute show to Michael Jackson and it was UUHHH-MAAAZZ-IINNG (click here to watch it)!! And in case you are wondering, yes, they wore very little clothing, but NO, the clothing did NOT come off. haha. It was not THAT kind of establishment. However, we did not leave until the whole bottle was gone! FUN FUN NIGHT!!! 

The next day, I decided to walk down to the beach and rent a chair and umbrella! I took a book and was down there for about 4 hours. Not much else to tell there.... it was GORGEOUS and the water was PERFECT! 

After TJ got back from the CG station for the day, we rested for a few, took showers and headed out to dinner!! Texas de Brazil. If you have not been to one. GO! Be sure you do NOT eat breakfast or lunch! No snacks and I would not even drink water if you can help it. This place is crazy crazy CRAZY! You start by making a trip to the craziest salad bar you have ever seen. If you name it, it is probably there on the bar. Cheeses, meats, salads, sushi, tuna, hot sides, and MORE! Then, they walk around the place holding absurdly large cuts of meat. And slicing whatever you want right there on your plate. Leg of lamb, skirt steak, filet mignon, pichana, chicken and bacon, ribs.... you name it!!! 

Thursday came and Nate scooped just me up but this time.... we shopped!!!! He took me to Dolphin Mall..... it was big, gorgeous, and loaded with the word OUTLET!! Which, as most of you know, is like one of my favorite words ever!! (along with CLEARANCE, SALE, and CLOSEOUT haha)
the commons
TJ got back and we grabbed a drink at the bar and started walking down the boardwalk to the beach. We ended up walking straight down into South Beach. It was sooo fun down there and lively! But we had dinner plans, so we snapped a few pics and walked back down the boardwalk to the hotel. 

South Beach
Lummus Park
That night was the BEST!!! We went to STK. One of the nicest places in Miami. We got seated in this awesome corner booth. I was told Alex Rodriguez sat at this booth when in town. We ordered the YUMMIEST hamburgers called Lil BRGRs and Tuna Tartare as an appetizer. I cannot even explain how yum they were.... pretty much absurdly yum! And so was dinner!!! Crazy good!
Tuna Tartare
Dinner - Beef Filet and Sesame Peanut Tuna

We skidattled (is THAT a word?) out of there and went to a place called the Playwright! We had a few drinks there and then everybody decided to get a tattoo!! So we went to the tattoo shop! Did we get a tattoo?! HMMM??

HECK NO!!!! We had all drank enough to THINK we would get one, and in the end, we sobered right up and got the hell out of there!! 

This was truly one of the best weeks ever!! I LOVE Miami!! Most of you know that I am not really one to have a few drinks and let loose. But when it Rome. Or in Miami!! ;-)

Huge shout out to Nate though!! He made sure we had a good time and I cannot thank him enough for showing us what MIA is all about! And Steph, of course, for putting up with us all week! :-P

Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh That Reminds Me!

I think everyone, at some point, has listened to a song and was like "OMG that is soooo ME right now!" I did that today!! I was cruising down the road and "Miami" by Will Smith came on Pandora! 
Miami - Haha. --> 
Dont get me wrong Charlotte Town got it going on 
and New York is the city that we know dont sleep.
And we all know the LA and Philly stay jiggy, but on the snake,
Miami bringing heat for real

It got me thinking about other songs that remind me of random things....

I have always said that "This is Me", by Faith Hill is like my theme song. Anybody else have a "theme song"? Maybe 'Club Can't Handle me Right Now' by Flo Rida, or maybe a Martina McBride song because I think we can ALL relate to a Martina McBride song at some point. 

"My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw reminds me of how I see TJ viewing Elleah. 
I remember I thought you looked like an angel 
wrapped in pink so soft and warm
You've had me wrapped around your finger
since the day you were born

"Gone" by Montgomery Gentry reminds me of the Braves. Cause when they hit a homer, they play it over the speakers at the stadium while the player trots around the bases. 
Gone like a freight-train, gone like yesterday
Gone like a soldier in the civil war, bang bang
Gone like a '59 Cadillac
Like all the good things that ain't never coming back
Cracks me up!! 

"I made it" by Kevin Rudolf reminds me of my brother. The night he got drafted, they played that song on ESPN nonstop coming from and to commercials. Then, later that night, we were all playing dominos (cause that is the appropriate celebration for getting drafted to the NFL - apparently) and it came on the radio 3 times while we were sitting there!!! Nuts! 

"The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars reminds me of the way I WISH I could be sometimes!! 
Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Clearly, I never have actually related to this song... it is just on my 'wish list'.

"O Holy Night" by Mariah Carey is my favorite Christmas song. I can listen to it in June and love every second of it! Oh yeah.... it reminds me of Christmas!! lol

By favorite song right now is "twinkle twinkle little star" as sung by Elleah.... 
tinkle tinkle
tinkle star
tinkle where
tinkle tinkle

Ok, that is all I have for now! :-) 


Sunday, July 3, 2011

OB to the A

This past week... well... what can I say? life was GOOD! Family, Beach, Boat, good food, and lounging by the Pool! Mike had brought up a few months ago, that he wanted to get a beach house or condo for the family sometime in July before he had to go to camp (yes I just said the "C" word Mike...haha)! We were ALL for it. After the past few months that the Runnels' family has had.... we NEEDED a vacation! We decided on a condo in Orange Beach, AL.... truly is one of the most beautiful and relaxing places ever (and since my dad works in Perdido.... it seemed only logical to get a place close by). After the NKOTBSB concert in Atlanta, we all stayed a few days and then headed south to OBA. The condo was gorgeous, with an awesome view!! 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms... we all wanted the master bed, which had an awesome jacuzzi tub, but Mike and Teal won out - I guess it makes sense since Mike was the one footing the bill. lol duh! But we all got our turn......
JJ's turn got a little out of hand..lmbo

As you can probably imagine.... Elleah had the time of her life!! There are not too many OTHER things Elleah loves more than a pool..... or a large body of water (she scoffs at bathtubs)! She is such a big girl and early this summer had learned how to swim with her floaties on. Now she does not need our help and really prefers us to keep our distance as she jumps 98345961350936 times off the side of the pool. I had a few panic attacks watching her do this, but she is a pro!
She loves floating on her back too... 

Mike, on the other hand, likes to see how long he can hold his breath... I think he made it to 71 seconds.....

More of my sweet baby and her swimming obsession - 
The weather got straight up spooky the second night we were there......

But we just enjoyed some dinner at Cobalt's and tried once again to get Elleah to look at our cameras -

We got a boat the next day and everybody was SOOOO excited and well.... silly - 

Um.... who let him drive... seriously

Yep... I married that! 
Dad and Teal..... don't ask... cause idk
The normal one.... ;-) 

BUT WAIT....... the fun did not stop there..... 
She can get him to do ANYTHING!!!! haha

We all had SUCH a good time and plan on doing it again next year!!! We do not get to see each other very often, especially all at ONCE! So this trip meant the world to me!!! I love you all soooo much!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

NKOTBSB - AGAIN... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 22nd finally came!! And then went.....way too fast!!! The New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys concert was absolutely AMAZING!! Kind of even a little bit EPIC! Let me set the scene for ya - 

Back in the day, Chipper Jones was of course my #1. But my close 2nd was the guys of BSB (esp Nick - don't judge me, he's SO my type). I was kind of a closet BSB fan! My parents, brother, and close friends knew I LOVED them, but when asked in random convos, I just kept quiet and shook it off. I guess I assumed it wasn't "cool". Well guess what?? It IS because I am 27 years old and anything I say I like... well, it is freaking COOL! haha. So going to see a Backstreet Boys concert before I die - check! 

And to make things THAT much greater.... they were teamed up with the New Kids on the Block! I know and love ALL of the New Kids' music, but I probably would not have gone to see just NKOTB. That has ALL changed. I knew BSB would be great (and they were), but NKOTB BLEW ME AWAY!! They put on an amazing show!!! SO combined... NKOTBSB..... BEST concert EVER! 

Hanging Next to the Stage
Love My Mommy!!

They finally arrive - 

And then they do FABULOUS things......

Danny from New Kids walked right past me....

Jordan gets my vote for best dancer/all around performer out of all 9 of them.....

The encore was UNBELIEVABLE... 

And we made some new friends.... 

SO this was one of the best nights EVER! I want to do it all over again.... and again!!! 


(more pics on facebook)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

*Special shout out to Lori and Brittney for the great pics*