Monday, January 3, 2011

Into the new year....

So as if Christmas fun was not enough... my birthday rolled around too!! The BIG 2-7!! My parents were able to make it into town and that made it such a great day! Shopping and lunch at the Town center!! Dinner and cake!!! AND PRESENTS! Elleah, of course, thought the presents were for her. Such a great day! And Thank You to every one that sent me birthday wishes! 

We started Elleah in a toddler bed almost a week ago. I knew it might be time to try when she decided she was going to become an Olympic climber. I was scared she would hurt herself. She is doing pretty good so far! Nap time can be a struggle, but bed time is great! I do our normal bedtime routine and then walk her to her bed. She climbs in and we say our prayers and she covers up with her favorite blanket! Then I leave and close the door. She goes right to sleep! The bad part - She has been waking up at 6 - 6:30 in the morning. She used to sleep until 7:30 - 8. I try getting her back to sleep... but it has not worked yet even though she appears to still be super tired. I am debating whether I might just try an earlier bed time too.... but 7:30 seems early as it is!?!?!? idk

Just an update on my New Year's resolution... I have had a coke every day so far! I know, I suck! But in my defense, I bought a 20 pack and still have half the pack left. Once it is gone, I am sure it will be easier (out of sight, out of mind)! I think....

I found this App on my phone called Project365. It is basically a calendar and you add a pic for every day of the year. I took a snap shot of it with my phone... it is kind of neat so I think I am going to try and keep up with it in 2011. It will be fun to look back and reflect on all the days of 2011. 
As you can tell, I took this pic at 10:44 am with 88% battery life on my
But look at that awesome reception I am getting...... go AT&T hahaha

On a sad note, but maybe not so sad - We are starting Elleah in a morning school daycare two days a week starting TOMORROW!! It is not so much for me, but for her. We really want her to come out of her shell a bit when other kids are around. I try taking her to the story-times and play-dates, and she does OK. But she is very very clingy to me! I am hoping she will learn to play with the other kids and have fun getting to do crafts and stuff. And while I will miss her, it is important that you know that I WILL NEVER EVER TAKE HER GROCERY SHOPPING WITH ME AGAIN! Not that I don't enjoy her throwing cans and boxes out of the buggy and trying her darnedest to get out of the cart..... but why worry with that. Ya know?! I bet ya 9348573489573498 dollars that my shopping trips will go from being 1 1/2 - 2 hrs long... to 30 min tops!! Count on it!!  

Hope everybody is enjoying their 2011 so far!!! 

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