Friday, March 27, 2009

So, What's New?

Well, since this is only my second blog, I think I will start with where I am at right now! I am in my extra bedroom where I keep the computer. Duh! No really... these past two weeks have been eventful! TJ and I have sold our house, received orders for our new location, and found out that this baby in my tummy is a little girl!

King's Bay, Georgia! That is where we are headed. I cannot wait to be closer to family and friends. South Texas is a nice place, but when you do not live near family or friends, it feels like another planet down here. Back to Earth I go, as Mike puts it!

So this baby will be mine and TJ's first baby with only two legs. And I know raising a child is not easy, but after raising Austin, I feel like I can do anything! LOL. I am looking forward to seeing TJ with a little girl though! He is going to be so wrapped up with her. He has always had a soft side for the ladies in his life! ;-)

Oh, also in the past few weeks. I have decided to leave my job! I was leaving any way. But for some reason, setting a date, telling my boss, and sticking to it has been liberating. I have met some great people and have had some great times there, but I am ready for what is next. I have a feeling I will be reverting to OLD KATIE as soon as April 10th rolls around! My blood pressure dropping back to normal will be a great start there!

Ok, all up to date! Later!

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