Friday, April 3, 2009

Opening Day

So, as if only having 4 days of work left was not exciting enough... opening day is this Sunday! Braves vs Phillies, 8et/7ct, on ESPN2. I have been waiting for this day for a long time (like a It seems crazy to me that all these years have gone by, and I still get this excited over opening day! Luckily, my husband got on board and has become quite the fan himself, although he has a rough time admitting it. Remember the flowers you sent me to work that day honey? Yep... Proof that you LOVE it. So events like opening day need event food. Since this is baseball.. I am thinking HOT DOGS and BEER. But I will have ROOT beer for now....
And, as mentioned before, 4 DAYS of WORK left. Although I am SO excited, I feel like the end of an era has arrived! I liked my job, so I do not think leaving the job is why I am excited. I think my excitement stems from what is next. My new full time job will be being a mommy, I cannot think of a better position right now! This of course coming from the girl who was once quoted saying "I will never have kids." Goes to show what I know....

Friday, March 27, 2009

So, What's New?

Well, since this is only my second blog, I think I will start with where I am at right now! I am in my extra bedroom where I keep the computer. Duh! No really... these past two weeks have been eventful! TJ and I have sold our house, received orders for our new location, and found out that this baby in my tummy is a little girl!

King's Bay, Georgia! That is where we are headed. I cannot wait to be closer to family and friends. South Texas is a nice place, but when you do not live near family or friends, it feels like another planet down here. Back to Earth I go, as Mike puts it!

So this baby will be mine and TJ's first baby with only two legs. And I know raising a child is not easy, but after raising Austin, I feel like I can do anything! LOL. I am looking forward to seeing TJ with a little girl though! He is going to be so wrapped up with her. He has always had a soft side for the ladies in his life! ;-)

Oh, also in the past few weeks. I have decided to leave my job! I was leaving any way. But for some reason, setting a date, telling my boss, and sticking to it has been liberating. I have met some great people and have had some great times there, but I am ready for what is next. I have a feeling I will be reverting to OLD KATIE as soon as April 10th rolls around! My blood pressure dropping back to normal will be a great start there!

Ok, all up to date! Later!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Blog

Ok, so I decided to start a blog because I have so much going on right now and I love to talk about it. Everybody that knows me knows I LOVE to talk about it. I kept telling my husband, "I am going to start a blog, I am going to start a blog." I never did. But today, it is rainy and cold, I do not have to work, there is nothing good on TV, my husband is busy fixing things in the garage, my mom did not answer when I called, and my dogs do not want to play today. So I thought, "Today I will start that blog I keep talking about." So ta-da!!